Chapter one

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  It was a little after midnight on a Monday night.

I sat at the top of my bed, scribbling away in my notebook.

I just finished my homework, and now I'm just doing some random sketches of cute little bunny rabbits.

The rabbits are being chased by monsters.

It's fun to mix horror and cute elements.

I hum softly to myself as the TV plays my favorite movie in the backround.

My eyes flutter up to the screen.

It's Jennifer's body.

I click my tongue and shake my head in disapproval as I watch the scene unfold before me.

It's one I've seen a thousand times, but it's never any less disappointing.

Jennifer climbs into the van, the door slamming closed behind her.

Needy flinches, and the fire explodes behind her. Everything running in slow motion.

So sad, if only she had never gone with them. And Needy tried so hard to convince her.

I tapped my pencil to my lip briefly, as I wondered again, if magic had been at play.

It seemed like Jennifer had been under some kind of spell, or hypnosis.

The way she was acting was so strange.

But it was just a theory.

My eyes fluttered back to my drawing.

I drew some more gruesome monsters. Seemingly influenced by my dark thoughts and love of horror.

That's what I thought anyway. I was always drawn to dark things. But I still like the cute too.

I drew some more rabbits.

My pencil gently scratched the paper as I added some flowers.

My attention was stolen by the screen again, when Needy got on her phone call with Chip.

I glanced at the screen and rolled my eyes.

I was not a Chip fan.

He was just kind of boring and self centered to me. He didn't value Needy's opinions, and never took her seriously, which costed him his life by the way. And he cheated on her. Which I never forgot.

Not a good boyfriend at all. Lackluster Replaceable. Forgettable. And just ughhh.

Honestly, aside from Jennifer's joulousy and insecurities, I kind of understand her, not liking Chip.

My eyes were getting heavy and I felt sleepy, so I rolled over, deciding to finish the movie tomorrow, and call it a night.

I turned off the TV, throwing the remote somewhere on the floor.

I'll definitely regret that tomorrow but, oh well.

I set my sketch book on my desk, and then crawled into my bed.

I switched off my lamp that was just beside me.

I snuggled underneath the sheets and held onto my little bear.

I drifted off into a sleep, where I dreamed of having a tea party with terrifying monsters and cute little bunny rabbits.

I smiled in my sleep, without knowing  the world around me had changed, and so had my body.

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