The Soul

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Location: Utopia Desert
Time: Night almost morning

They all fly on the sky while make their vision focusing around the ground to search any clue again about N or The Vessel from last clue that was a bunch of corpses of Flying worm. Although, Engineer on his giant Robo bird was lost in his own thoughts about what the flash memory before? Was it his memory? If that so why he saw V, J, and Cyn inside there.

J: "guys! We need to make tent again now! The suns almost rise!" *Command J*

When they stop they suprise when Engineer was still flying forward as he not listens to.

J: "Engineer!"

Engineer: "huh? Oh!" *Immediately make his ride pet stop* "kenapa berhenti? Melihat sesuatu? (Why stop? See something?)" *Ask him clearing that he really not hear it*

Doll: "Солнца почти восходят (the suns almost rise)" *answer Doll*

Engineer: "apa? *Look at the horizon that getting bright* oh iya, maaf aku nggak fokus (what? *Look at the horizon that getting bright* oh right, sorry I'm not focused)"

After that they all land on the ground before Engineer use his device again to create the tent with help of his three pets that just disfused. Engineer then walk out and sit on a stone outside as he still thinking about what he saw before.

Lizzy: "what the matter with Engineer?"

Uzi: "Engineer?"

Lizzy: *look at her* "what?"

Doll: "Ух ты, слышишь этот Узи? Наша подруга просто зовет его по имени, хотя обычно она называет нас уродами или что-то в этом роде. (Wow, can you hear that Uzi? Our friend just calls him by his name, even though she usually calls us freaks or something like that.)" *they both smirk as they both just teaste her*

Lizzy: *blush then walk toward them* "don't. Fricking. Tease me!"

Uzi and Doll: "Relax/Расслабляться (relax)" *say them in the same time*

Lizzy: *scoffed and look away in blush before shake her head then look out again at him that already exposed to the sun light*

J: "Oi!"

Lizzy: *get jump in suprise when J suddenly shout to Engineer on outside*

J: "what are you doing out there? Get in"

Engineer: *turn around* "oh? Oh iya! Aku lupa kalian belum makan. Hehe, tunggu sebentar (oh? Oh right! I forgot you guys not eat yet. Hehe, wait a second)" *he stand then walk in there*

Lizzy: "well... Not hungry yet actually just... Wanted you to come in"

J: *nod* "what the matter?"

Engineer: "nggak ada apa-apa kok bos... Hanya kepikiran sesuatu... (Nothing matter boss... Just think about something...)"

J and Lizzy look at eachother, before look at him and say something together.

Lizzy and J: "about absolute Solver?"

The duo leaders say it together making Engineer get suprise at how they both can guess it right and say it at same time. Welp they both boss after all.

Engineer: *look down and 👉👈. Before nod weakly*

Lizzy: *blush because see him really like a soft boy*

J: "well are you know it or... We must explain it again?"

Engineer: "aku tahu itu tapi... Nggak tahu kenapa, itu membuat ku takut dan nggak tahu kenapa juga... Aku jadi was-was kalau ngeliat kamu dan V dan Cyn... (I know about that but... Don't know why, that make me scared and didn't know why too... I became terrified when see you and V and Cyn...)"

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