chapter 6 (Jungkook)

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I woke up the next morning feeling miserable.

Despite laying in the luxury of my massive king bed, I'd hardly slept a wink, my mind tormented by visions of golden hair and stardust eyes all night long.

My alpha paced agitatedly inside me as I shuffled to the kitchen to make myself an avocado toast with the fancy ingredients my private chef had stocked. What was wrong with me? I was Jeon Jungkook - rich, powerful, handsome as hell. I could have any girl or guy I wanted with just a crook of my finger.

logically, I also knew it was insane to be so hung up on some random pretty boy after just a few fleeting moments. But there was nothing logical about the gravitational pull I felt, urging me to find him at all costs.

Abandoning my half-eaten breakfast, I dragged myself to the shower, desperate to clear my head before my morning lecture. The scalding water did little to calm the rising storm inside me.

With a frustrated growl, I shut off the spray and quickly dressed before grabbing my bag and heading for the door. Maybe some fresh air would help. Maybe I could just put this behind me once I was surrounded by the normal daily distractions again.

Yeah, fucking right.

The second I stepped out onto campus, my wolf perked up, scanning  the air expectantly.

Oh for fuck's sake.

we ain't gonna magically find him buddy.

does pretty boy even go here?

if he does then-

arghh fuck this.

I made it through my morning classes in a complete daze, unable to focus on anything except visions of moonlit satin skin, those sparkling eyes and tinkling laugh echoing endlessly in my mind.

The second I was free, I found myself drawn toward the cafe where we - meaning jin hyung, joon hyung, yoongi, taehyung and i - usually met up between classes.

The mouthwatering aromas of baked bread and rich coffee hit me as soon as I stepped through the doors. Normally the scents invigorated me, made me ravenous, but today they were completely overpowered by the imperative thrumming through my veins: find him, find him, find him. (Who am I kidding. It's my damn wolf.)

I spotted the others already seated in our usual corner - Jin and Namjoon with their heads together, no doubt discussing some couple-y nonsense, while Yoongi lounged disinterestedly nearby. But there was no sign of Taehyung, which struck me as odd until I remembered he'd left the party with...

My heart kicked up a beat, my wolf rising in anticipation. If anyone would know about the gorgeous blonde from last night, it was Tae.

"Hey, where's Taehyung?" I blurted as I joined them, uncaring how abruptly I'd interrupted. "Did any of you hear from him?"

Jin looked up with a frown. "Someone's mannerless today. anywho no but why—"

"I just need to talk to Taehyung," I insisted urgently. "It's important."

"Why, so you can abandon him mid-conversation like you did us?" Yoongi drawled without looking up from his phone. "We haven't seen him since whatever blonde bombshell made you lose your mind last night."

My jaw clenched at his dismissive tone, but before I could retort, Namjoon cleared his throat. "Actually, we might know who jungkook's mysterious pretty boy is."

I whipped my head around to stare at him intensely. "You do? Please tell me..."

He shrugged, settling back casually. "Not much to tell, really. Just some blonde kid Tae introduced us to briefly before they took off."

wow. That's super helpful hyung.

In the distance, the bell over the cafe door jingled. Though the babble of conversations made it hard to hear any distinct noises, some instinct drew my gaze toward the windows, searching.

A flash of pale golden hair outside on the sidewalk made my pulse jump. That was him, I could feel it in my veins singing...

"Finally!" I surged upright, toppling my chair over in my haste. "That's him, that has to be him!"

"Yah, Jungkook-ah!" Jin's voice was a strangled shout behind me. "Where are you going now?"

I didn't bother responding, already taking off toward the exit in a flat-out sprint, slamming through the door hard enough to make the bells clang wildly. Shouts of dismay barely registered as I leapt over a small flower box, vaulting right into the street while cars squealed and blared their horns.

A crosswalk signal chirped jarringly as I dodged around a stopped minivan, strides devouring the pavement.

Just a few more paces.

Finally, panting and slightly winded, I stretched out a hand to grace those slim shoulders. "Hey, wait!..."

The figure whirled sharply, and my heart plummeted straight through the soles of my shoes. It wasn't him at all - just some random boy with mousy brown hair staring back at me in alarm and confusion.

oh c'mon. you've got to be kidding me.

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