Ready, set , go

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You slip into your gym clothes, the fabric clinging comfortably to your skin as you prepare for the practical exam. The anticipation bubbles within you, a mix of nerves and excitement swirling in your chest. With a few spare moments before the exam begins, you decide to shoot Toshinori a quick text, wanting to check up on him to put your mind at ease.

Pulling out your phone, you type out a message, your fingers tapping against the screen with a sense of familiarity. "Hey, Toshinori! It's Y/N. I got your note! Just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling today."

As you hit send, you can't help but think back to the time he stayed at your place, recovering from his injuries. His gratitude was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth knowing you could help him in some small way.

Moments later, a reply comes through, and a smile tugs at your lips as you read his response. "I'm feeling much better, thank you again for your hospitality," he writes, his words filled with sincerity.

Before you can reply, another message pops up, and you eagerly read it. "How's everything going on your end?"

You take a deep breath before typing out your response. "I'm actually at UA right now, about to take the practical exam," you confess, your fingers hovering over the screen. "Feeling a bit nervous, to be honest."

As you hit send, you can't help but wonder how Toshinori will react to your revelation. Moments later, his reply comes through, and you feel a flutter of anticipation as you read his words.

"You're at UA? Taking the practical exam?" His response is filled with surprise, his eyes widening slightly behind the screen.

But just as quickly as the surprise registers, Toshinori pushes those thoughts aside, his message shifting to one of encouragement. "You've got this," he reassures you, his words carrying a sense of warmth and determination. "Just keep smiling, and remember, you're capable of more than you think. Whether you win or lose... You can always come out ahead by learning from the experience."

When your eyes glance over his text, a wave of déjà vu hits you, your thoughts immediately drifting to All Might. But you quickly brush the thought away, considering that perhaps Toshinori is also an All Might fan. After all, it wouldn't be unusual for someone to admire the Symbol of Peace.

With a sense of gratitude, you thank him and gently place your phone down and bend to tie your shoes, the familiar motions offering a momentary distraction from the nerves fluttering in your stomach. Glancing at the paper containing the entrance exam details, you mutter to yourself, "Practice center A, huh?"

Standing up, you follow the others out of the wardrobe, the anticipation building with each step. The short bus ride to the exam venue is filled with a tense silence, everyone lost in their own thoughts and preparations.

As the bus comes to a stop, you step off, greeted by a sight that leaves you wide-eyed. Before you stand two immense wooden doors, their presence commanding respect and awe.

Beyond those doors lies a sprawling urban landscape, an intricately crafted simulation of a bustling city. Tall buildings rise into the sky, casting long shadows over the streets below. The attention to detail is striking.

As you step forward, you hear the whispers of the people beside you, their voices filled with awe and anticipation. Among them, you catch sight of the angry blond guy from earlier, his expression tense as he surveys the scene before him. Contemplating talking to him, you're suddenly cut off by Present Mic's booming voice screaming,

"Okay, start!"

With a surge of determination, you take off, your heart pounding in your chest as you unleash the power of your quirk. Channeling the energy of Mendwell, you feel a rush of vitality coursing through your veins, amplifying your speed to superhuman levels. The other students behind you are left in confusion, their expressions a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

Mic speaks up again, his voice carrying over the chaos of the exam venue. "What's wrong, life doesn't have countdowns!" he shouts, urging everyone to action.

Fueled by the encouragement of Toshinori's words and the power of your quirk, you push yourself forward, darting through the bustling streets with unparalleled agility. As you round a corner into one of the narrow alleyways, you're met by a three-point robot, its metallic form looming ominously before you.

Without hesitation, you tap into the reserves of healing energy within yourself, channeling it into a focused burst of power. The air crackles with energy as you unleash a wave of healing energy, enveloping the robot in a shimmering barrier of rejuvenating light.

The robot staggers backward, its circuits overloaded by the intensity of your attack. Seizing the opportunity, you press forward, delivering a series of rapid strikes with enhanced strength and speed. With each blow, the robot's defenses weaken until finally, with a resounding crash, it collapses to the ground, defeated.

Emerging from the alleyway, you're met with a sudden explosion—or perhaps multiple explosions—echoing through the air. Through the haze of smoke, a raspy voice screams, "Die!" Intrigued, you peer closer, only to see the angry blond guy amidst the chaos, his actions drawing a chuckle from you before you continue on your way to the city center.

Along the path, you encounter frozen robots littering the ground, their circuits incapacitated by your strategic strikes. After dispatching a two-point robot with ease, you take a moment to catch your breath, wiping the sweat from your forehead.

Suddenly, screams pierce the air, followed by the sound of panicked footsteps. Without hesitation, you sprint toward the commotion, only to be confronted by a colossal robot towering over the city skyline. This must be the zero-point challenge, you realize with a hint of apprehension.

As the debris settles, you spot a red blast amidst the chaos, accompanied by a familiar voice cursing vehemently. Peering through the smoke, you see the blond guy..again?, his ego seemingly unmatched. Just as you consider turning away, you notice the robot's foot looming dangerously close to his head.

Reacting instinctively, you enhance your speed and push the blond guy aside, creating a shield of energy with your power to protect both of you from the impending danger. The shield envelops you, providing a temporary barrier against the robot's massive foot.

However, instead of gratitude, you feel a forceful shove from behind, followed by the blond guy's aggressive accusation. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" he demands, his tone dripping with hostility.

Frustrated by his ingratitude, you retort, "I saved you, you imbecile! You were about to get smooshed like a fucking pancake."

"I was just fine, you fucker!" he spits back, his attitude grating on your nerves.

With a sigh, you decide it's not worth arguing with him any longer. Deactivating the shield, you turn and walk away, leaving the blond guy to fend for himself amidst the chaos of the practical exam.

After a few more minutes of intense action, taking down more robots along the way, you hear the unmistakable sound of an alarm echoing through the air, signaling the end of the entrance exam. Spotting Recovery Girl in the distance, you make your way over to her, eager to offer your assistance with your healing quirk if needed.

Approaching her with a determined stride, you explain your quirk and extend an offer to help with any injuries that may have occurred during the exam. Recovery Girl, with a grateful smile, dismisses your offer, thanking you for your willingness to assist.

With a nod of understanding, you bid her farewell and head back to the gym lockers to change out of your gym clothes. As you slip into your normal attire, a sense of satisfaction settles over you, knowing that you gave it your all during the practical exam.

Just as you're about to leave, a vibration in your pocket catches your attention. Pulling out your phone, you're surprised to see a message from Toshinori waiting for you.

"How'd everything go?" The message reads

A strange feeling gnaws at the back of your mind as you realize the timing of his message, coinciding perfectly with the conclusion of the exam. Could it be mere chance, or is there something more to it? You brush your thoughts away, seeing them as ridiculous before heading back to your apartment.

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