Convenience store

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As you step out of the shower, the warm water droplets clinging to your skin, you feel a sense of relaxation wash over you. The soft glow of the bathroom lights casts a tranquil ambiance, creating a serene atmosphere in your modest apartment.

The idea of a Japanese curry for dinner dances through your mind, tempting your taste buds with its nostalgic and comforting flavors. With a quick glance into your pantry, you realize you're missing the key ingredients—rice and carrots. It's a setback that requires a trip to the supermarket.

Venturing out into the evening air, you navigate the familiar streets of your neighborhood, the soft glow of streetlights guiding your way. The cool breeze brushes against your skin, carrying with it the scent of distant flowers and the faint hum of city life.

Arriving at the supermarket, you're met with the sight of closed doors, a stark reminder of the late hour. Disappointment tugs at your heartstrings, but you refuse to be deterred. With determination fueling your steps, you make your way to the nearby convenience store, hoping against hope that they'll have the ingredients you need.

Inside the convenience store, the fluorescent lights cast a harsh glare, illuminating the aisles lined with neatly stacked shelves. The familiar hum of refrigerators fills the air, accompanied by the occasional beep of a cash register.

You browse the aisles, scanning the shelves for rice and carrots, but your search yields no results. With a resigned sigh, you settle for some store-bought onigiri, ramen, and a drink instead, the bright packaging contrasting with the dull ache of disappointment in your chest.

As you reach for a bottle of green tea on the highest shelf, you stretch on your tiptoes, the soft fabric of your clothes brushing against your skin. Balancing precariously on a nearby stool, you reach out, fingers grazing the cold plastic of the bottle —until disaster strikes.

The stool tips over with a loud clatter, sending you tumbling towards the ground. But just as you brace yourself for the impact, two strong hands catch you, pulling you back from the brink of a painful fall.

Startled, you turn to face your rescuer, and to your surprise, you find yourself gazing into the familiar blond locks of Toshinori. A surge of happiness bubbles up within you at the unexpected encounter, your heart skipping a beat at the sight of his warm smile.

"Toshinori! What a surprise," you exclaim, unable to contain your excitement. The words tumble out in a rush, your voice filled with genuine delight.

"Y/N, it's nice to see you again," he replies with a warm smile, his presence bringing a sense of comfort and familiarity amidst the chaos of the store.

Your mood instantly brightens at his presence, and you find yourself buzzing with newfound energy. To be honest you thought you'd never see him again, you thought that it would be the type of situation where you'd text a bit here and there and then eventually forget about each other's existence "What are you doing here?" you blurt out, cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you realize how forward you sound. "I-i didn't mean it like that! Just wondering!"

Toshinori chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "No worries, Y/N. I just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd pick up a few things."

As he effortlessly retrieves the green tea bottle, you clasp it in your hands and offer a quick bow of gratitude. "Thank you," you say sincerely, your voice filled with appreciation.

After a brief moment of silence, you gather the courage to broach a topic that has been on your mind. "So, how are you holding up? With the... you know—" You gesture towards the side of your stomach where his injury once was, but before you can finish, Toshinori interrupts with a reassuring smile.

"I'm doing much better, it's completely healed now, all thanks to you," he replies warmly, his expression serene.

With a modest wave of your hand, you brush off his gratitude. "You don't need to thank me! Really, it was nothing. I'm just glad I could help you," you insist, a small smile gracing your lips.

As the conversation flows, Toshinori's curiosity gets the better of him, and he asks about your reason for being at the convenience store. "So, what brings you here?" he inquires, genuine interest shining in his eyes.

With a sigh, you recount your culinary misadventures. "I was going to make some delicious curry! But then I noticed I didn't have any rice or carrots, so I went to the supermarket only to find out that it was closed," you explain, disappointment evident in your voice. "So, I opted for an onigiri and ramen," you add, gesturing towards the contents of your bag with a sheepish grin.

Toshinori's expression softens with sympathy as he listens. The corners of his mouth twitch downwards slightly, mirroring the empathetic furrow of his brows. "I'm sorry to hear that you couldn't make the dinner you had planned," he begins, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Then, a flicker of contemplation dances in his eyes before a warm smile spreads across his face, illuminating his features. An idea seems to strike him, infusing his words with a newfound enthusiasm. "You know," he starts, his tone tinged with eagerness, "I happen to be a pretty decent cook myself. I'd love to make you some curry, or anything else you fancy, someday." His gaze holds yours, conveying a sense of genuine sincerity. "It's the least I could do for everything you've done for me."

Your eyes widen a bit as you didn't expect this coming from him. You really wanted to accept the offer but also didn't want to trouble him. "I don't want to trouble you, there's no need," you lie, obviously wanting to take up his offer.

"Please, let me," Toshinori starts, his expression earnest. "It's not a trouble. As I said, it's the least I could do for what you've done for me."

His sincerity touches you deeply, dispelling any hesitation you had about accepting his offer. Your eyes glisten with gratitude as you eagerly shake your head in agreement. "Okay, if you insist," you reply, a genuine smile spreading across your face.

There's a pause, the air tinged with a hint of reluctance before Toshinori breaks the silence. "I..." he starts, his voice trailing off momentarily. "I should probably get going soon. I have some work stuff to do."

You feel a twinge of disappointment at the thought of him leaving so soon, but before you can dwell on it too much, he adds, "But you have my number, so just send me a message and we'll discuss my..offer later." His reassuring smile puts you at ease.

"Yeah, sure," you reply, trying to hide your disappointment. "It was nice seeing ya again, and thanks for helping me out with, you know, the tea," you say, holding up the bottle of green tea with a sheepish smile.

He returns your smile with a soft one of his own as he heads towards the exit. "Goodbye, Y/N," he says, giving a slight wave before disappearing into the aisles.

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