You Owe Me

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Amy Pov

"Hey Rose." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was sitting on the hill where I "died" looking over my kingdom. "Shadow..." I said. I kept my eyes focused on my kingdom. His gripped harder. "Shadow what are  you doing." I asked. "You assume I'm Shadow..." I felt my body being picked up and slammed into a tree. I looked up. His icy blue eyes made me shiver. My powers aren't working. "Surprised to see me... hoping it was your lover" He transformed into Shadow. "Or is it this one" He transformed into Sonic.. " He clawed into my neck. "You're gonna lose both and be lonely once more and then die alone. I want to see your body cripple and break as everything you once loved so dearly does the same.It's all on you, I'll be waiting..." I heard my neck go snap and I shot up.

My quills were in my face and I couldn't see anything. I was sweaty and hot and my head hurt really bad. I move the quills from my face. I was in my bed and the sun was shining high over my balcony. It seemed to be late afternoon. I yawned and rubbed my eyes trying to adjust them to the new lighting. I don't really remember what happened last night. I sighed hopefully nothing to ruin my reputation. I stepped out of bed and stretched out my body. Something felt wrong.  Something felt empty. I went to my bathroom and saw how I awoke. I almost scared myself. I groaned and made my way to the shower. Once the water got warm enough I stepped in letting it hit my fur. I smiled and grabbed my loofah and my organic jasmine soap. I loved feeling it on my skin, so freshening. I lathered it up and rubbed it against my legs.  I remember once when we got into the shower together...

"Rose you're taking so long." He said from outside my room. "I'm sorry but I really love my alone time in the shower." I said washing the rest of the conditioner out of my quills. I went to put my conditioner  back on the shelf in my shower. When I backed up I felt a warm body behind me. A pair of arms wrap around me and I felt a kiss on my neck. "Too damn long Rose." His hands felt up my stomach  up to my breasts. "At least you used that body wash, it makes everything so soft." He grabbed my left one  and sucked on my neck. "S-Shadow..." I whimpered, and felt a hard on being pressed behind me. "You know this is one of my many fantasies I've had about you..."

Blushing at the memory I let the water hit my back. I shouldn't be thinking about him. I'm still mad that he left and he's probably hurt and worse if he's.. Not that couldn't happen to him he's to strong. I turned off the water and grabbed my robe. I was tying up my robe and threw on my slippers. I went back to my room. I walked to my closet and looked at the options for today. I think I just wanted to go basic. I decided to wear a black dress that had a sharp v-cut and sleeveless. It had a gold trimming at my waists and the end. With some gold sandals. I decided to leave my hair the way it was in a nice curl state. I looked for my Chao but couldn't find him. Probably out eating the fruit or hanging out with Cream since she's good with these animals. 

I walked out of my room and am immediately wanted to go back in my room. The castle's halls were so dirty. What the heck happened after I went to bed last night? I walked towards the western halls where I can get to the dining room easier. Walking down the hall, there were many servants, cleaning up the mess. "Sorry Princess Amy," "Good day Princess Amy," " We're cleaning as fast as we can Princess Amy," Is all I heard until I got to the dining hall. Rouge was there with Ruby on her lap. Rouge was wearing a black jumpsuit with a gold belt and blue flats and Ruby was wearing a purple onesie."Look who finally decided to wake up." She said and smiled at me while I sat across from her. "Morning Rouge and Ruby." Ruby smiled and I saw her sharp vampire teeth coming in. "Morning? Girl it is 1:30 in the afternoon. Morning is over with a while ago." She giggled. My eyes widen and my mouth gaped. "1:30 I slept all the way until 1:30?!" I banged my head on the table. "Ruby bursts out laughing and I sighed. "Get your head off the table girl." I lifted my head up just in time to see Cream with a plate of small sandwiches and grapes, with a pitcher of lemonade. "Hello Amy, You went to bed sort of early, last night. Blaze and Sliver gave their goodbye and understood, how tired you were." She smiled and I half smiled her.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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