The Visitors

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Sonic Pov

What do you do to get her mad to loving you all over again Shadow? I was sitting outside her door, and heard Shadow say how badly he wanted her and how she wrapped around his finger once again. What the actually fuck is going on. I stormed down to the game room. "Ruby watched your daddy win in blackjack." Knuckles said to Ruby. She was sitting in his lap giggling while eating a half of chocolate chip cookie. "If you really want someone to teach you to win look at Cream." I said pointing out that she had already 21 in here hand. "Not fair. She's an actual lucky charm. She has a rabbits foot." Tails laughed. "Actually double, rabbits feet." He said. Knuckles rolled his eyes and swung his foot accidentally hitting the table, "OW! WHAT THE F---" He stopped on account of Rouge hitting his head "Not in front of Ruby, not unless you want to be sleep in the doghouse." She said lowering her voice to make the threat more serious. "Fudge." he said finishing off his sentence. "Good boy," She took Ruby from him. "Now once I put her to sleep, You should join me so that we can," She whispered into his left ear. With each word you can see his muzzle growing pinker.

"How does that sound?" She asked so that we can all hear. He kissed her cheek. "Delightful." She smiled and patted Ruby's back. "Say good night to you're Unncle's and Aunt, Ruby." Rouge said. "She waved to us and laid her head on Rouge's shoulder.

Before she had a chance to open the door a servant did. He was a grey owl with yellow eyes and was huffing and puffing. "My apologies, My lady Rouge." He bowed down to her and to the rest of us. "Why do you seem out of breath?" Blazed asked laying down on top of Sliver. He was rubbing her back and before Mr.Owl came she was purring. "There's someone in the thrown room. Guards saw them breaking in. They claimed to know you and want to talk. There's about five of them." He said wiping his forehead. "What do they look like?" I asked. " Well an echinda, a bee, an alligator, a chameleon, oh and an armadillo." He said. "If it is who I think it is." I said as we all went down to the thrown room. "

"We have a thing about trespassers, here. About 5 years in the jail, or if the queen says 10 years in the dudgeon." We heard Rosetta say. "No please I'm to young to go to jail." a familiar voice said. "Dude she's just said she was messing with you. God damn, and you're freaking 17 you're not "to young"." We came to the bottom of the stairs. "Ah here they are." No surprise it was the Chatoix team. " Hey guys" Charmy leaped up form the ground and flew to us. "Hey Cream long time no see, how are, wow you look great aren't you, very pretty, You're what 16 now 17? Wow years have been great too you!" He rushed out. "Charmy cool your jets dude." Victor said hitting his head. "It's been years, I missed her after they just disappeared. Then the news...basically it's been a while." He gushed rubbing his head. "Hello, we were in the village." Mighty said stretching. "So we thought we, stopped by. The five of us." Espio said shaking my hand. "Five?" Knuckles said. "Oh my gosh the bathroom has like 10 different options for some soap though." We turned around and I heard Rouge growl. "Julie-Su.!" We said. She smiled at us "Hola guys." Knuckles blushed a bit of embarrassment. He and her had a thing, but it didn't work out. And he knew just exactly how Rouge felt about her. "Knuckie how are you, you may be old but you're still the same." She joked.

"You only like 21 Julie-Su. I'm 26. Not that old." He said. She laughed. "I know, hey where's Rouge at?" She asked. "Right here." Rouge said holding Ruby. "Ohmigosh. That is seriously the cutest baby I've seen so far. She looks just like Knuckie but has your ears and wings." She cooed. I saw Rouge facial expression change. More like guilt. "Gosh I'm so happy for you too. You better treat her right Knuckle head or Imma hunt you down." She said. " I wouldn't dare." Knuckles said kissing Rouge cheek.

"You all must be tired. we have some guest rooms available and we can send people to give you food," Cream said. "Wow you can do that?" Charmy said buzzing around. "Sure it's their job. Ms. Nina." Cream said to a black cat with green eyes. "Yes m'lady?" She bowed down ."Would you please take our guest to the rooms on the east side, and ask the chef if he could whip up whatever they prefer." She asked. Nina smiled. "Anything for you. Please follow me." She said to the group. "Wait where's Shadow and Ames?" Charmy yelled and everyone looked at him.

"Shadow and Ames are asleep." I said looking down. "He came back?" Sliver asked. "He was knocked out on Earth for a week" I explained to them. Everyone shrugged and went there separate ways. I headed to my room when a servant stopped me. "Sir Sonic. May I ask a favor." A yellow lizard said to me. His blue eyes seemed tired. "Sure. What do you need." He sighed."My wife went into labor, I must go to the hospital, do you mind handing the food to the prisoners." I nodded. "May all good come to you." He bowed and ran away. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the tray of food. I walked to the elevator and pressed the ground level.

I walked to the door of the dudgeon where two guards stood post. They bowed. "Sir Sonic." One unlocked the door. "Be quick the green one is acting up again." One said and I walked down the stairs. "Feeding time." I said to one of the cells. "Hey Sonic come to break me out." I glared. "Not in a million years Sally Acorn." I said handing her the food though the bars.

"Hah he doesn't love you Sally." Cosmo said "Tails doesn't love you either bitch. "She grabbed the food package and sat in the corner. "Can I get a different cell from these two?" Tikal asked grabbing a sandwich. "Sorry we don't do that for people like you." I said she scoffed. I went to the very end of the room. "Eating time asshole." I said throwing the brown bag on the floor.

"Ahh my main man Sonic. How's life being the 2nd greatest hedgehog living." He smirked taking the food. "You should shut up, you're lucky she brought you back to life." He opened the bag. "Hmm turkey? I want ham next time. But the bitch did take my powers though." He said. "Don't you dare call her that!" I yelled through the bars. "I'm surprised you even sticking up for her. Hey grape soda! You're just a thing of the past to her. She has a new fuck buddy. Shadow isn't it." He opened the can and took a sip. "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled. " Just saying, she never will love you again. I could help you get rid of him."

"I don't need your help Scrouge! I'm happy for Amy so shut your fucking mouth, before I beat you to a plup." He shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. You should watch that mouth of yours' and you'll come around sooner than you know," He took another sip. "Plus you and I both know you hate him and want Amy for yourself. With a body like that who wouldn't. You just need him out fo the picture. You and I both." He laughed and I stormed out of there. I ran to my room and flopped on my bed. It's a sad thing.

Scrouge was right.

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