Full Story, and Audio

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I was bummed because I thought I'd never actually get to meet the girls, but I literally freaked out when I heard that they'd be in PA near where my friend lived. I had planned to visit her anyway to also meet my Australian friend, and her new baby, so I flew from Wisconsin to Pa, and they were happy with dropping me off at the concert. My only qualms were the fact that I would be alone at the M&G.This wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that I have high social anxiety caused from bullying. However I decided I deal with whatever came if it meant meeting the girls who taught me to love myself and helped me to stay clean from self-harm for 6 months now. The day came faster than I expected, and to say I was excited and nervous would be an understatement. My Friends dropped me off at the M&G and I had already cried like 6 times lol so once we got in the line I kept crying literally the whole time and security was so nice about it. Then when I was next I started crying harder and Big Rob hugged me and was like don't cry! And when I went up to them I was still bawling and Cam Lauren and Mani hugged me and Lauren was like "What's your name princess?" And I told her and one of them said they loved my shirt (I had a hard time hearing them because I have hearing loss, but I think it was Lauren) Then I rushed to Ally and asked her to read my letter about the tattoo I want to get in her handwriting and she said she would then I asked her to do a piggy back ride and she said she'd fake it, then I asked Dinah to hug me. Then Ally said that the silhouettes I drew on my Brave Honest Beautiful shirt were amazing and she hugged me again and then I hugged Dinah, and they were all so sweet as I was leaving, and Ally accidentally steeped on the bottom of my pant leg and tripped me and ripped a strip of the pant leg off, which cracks me up, but she seemed to feel so bad. As soon as I left them I collapsed but security caught me and sat me down across from where Ally and Dinah were and I couldn't breathe or move my fingers or legs (I was having a panic attack) and Ally and Dinah looked so heartbroken and They kept waving at me and Ally kept blowing kisses to me. Which apparently made me start freaking out again because the paramedic yelled at me lol Then when the paramedics came with a wheelchair to take me to the medical tent she said "Aww baby! I love you!" and ran from the M&G and hugged me and said she loved meeting me and that she'd follow me and then when they were wheeling me away she screamed "Bye Tori! I love you!" I honestly don't think anyone has ever made me feel more loved and accepted as they did in that moment. Words can't explain how much they mean to me.

I actually have the audio as well, sorry it's kinda hard to hear at some points. I was shaking really bad.


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