Chapter Three

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"So many times, it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive"
The Eye Of The Tiger

"We are leaving" Kyara said, as Kendall let her be back in control. Her wolf was a ferocious one, and so was Leo's apparently. They both had Gamma Blood. It was weird. Not only was she an adopted werewolf, so were they. But why had the Gammas abandoned them?
It made no sense.
"Wait!" Leo said, trying not to look at the man they used to call father. "Where would we be going?"
"I don't know, yet, sugar plum, but I'll figure" Kyara shrugged.
"What about Damien? And school? And everything?" The pup pushed.
"How long has this been going on?" Kyara deadpanned, staring onto poor Damien lying on the ground.
"Damien didn't want to say anything--"
"How long?" Kyara insisted. She thought she had been the only one. But Damien? No wonder he was--
"A year" Leo whispered, hugging Kyara's legs. "We'd have nowhere to go if we said--"
"Do not hide anything from me anymore, is that understood?" Kyara crossed her arms. "No more hiding"
"Yes, sissy" Leo obeyed.
"How about you'll go gather the backpacks I packed for you, okay?" She suggested. "I'll try to wake Damien"
He nodded and climbed the stairs.
"Damien, sweety? Day? Can you hear me? It's me, Kyara? Sissy?" She pushed.
She gently shook his shoulders.
Suddenly, she heard a groan and the tiny body flinched, scared, but the fear in those grey eyes dissipated with time.
"Sissy," He coughed. "I didn't want to--"
Kyara pushed Damien to her chest, hugging him tightly, before she pulled, afraid she was hurting the boy.
"No, no" She admonished. " Do not apologize. It's not your fault." She sighed. "You should've told me"
"You would have hated me" He backed.
"Why would I hate you, Day?" She questioned. It hurt her heart to think--
"Because he--he ruined me" He sobbed.
"Oh, Day, no, no," She shook her head and looked into his eyes. "You're not ruined. You have a mate out there, and one day she and you are going to love each other."
"Like you love me?" Damien asked, innocently.
"I love you, I am your sissy. And that will never stop. Ever." She reassured.
"Do you swear you aren't gonna leave me?" He rose his pinky.
"I swear"
"What's a mate?" Leo asked, descending the stairs with the backpacks in his hands.
"Someone who's made to love and cherish you forever" She answered. She vaguely remembered her mother explaining that to her and to her--friend, the green-eyed one.
"Do I have one too?" He asked, while handing her some fresh clothes for Damien to wear. Together, they dressed him and helped him up.
"Of course, you do" She chuckled.
"And you?" Leo dared to ask. His wolf, Lorcan, was twins with Damien's wolf Derek, both of Gamma blood. He had felt extremely pissed and enraged at the thought of his brother be hurt, but Kyara's wolf was stronger and stopped him. They both owed Kyara a lot. They loved her and didn't want a mate stealing that from them.
"Do not worry about me, kid" Kyara shot a look at her brother. "I can handle another wolf"
"But what if--" Leo was hellbent on brushing off any wolf that came between the twins and their sissy.
"No more questions" She admonished. "Now, help me with Day, will you?"
Together, they lifted him up. He looked pale, and his redhead was everywhere. His eyes, normally grey, were dull and drained of life.
Goddess, I'm bleeding glad I finished him off
"Can you stand?" She asked the kid. It was a rather dumb question, but she needed to be sure. If they were heading into the woods--because, where else would they be going to go?--she needed to make sure he could stand up. There were rogues out there. She vaguely remembered those from her nightmares. Mean wolves with no packs. Technically, they would be considered ones since they, themselves, had no pack, but they meant no harm.
"What's a rogue?" Leo asked, always full of his undying curiosity.
"A very mean wolf" Kyara explained.
"Will they attack us?"
"Probably," Kyara shrugged him off. "Do you have everything you need?"
He nodded.
"Good." She grabbed Damien's hand and put a backpack on his shoulders. Despite being weakened, his wolf was still fighting for the human. "You ready?"
"I'm scared," He admitted.
"Me too, Day" Leo grinned. "But I'll protect us both!"
"Make sure to keep Lorcan in check," She advised. "We don't need another bloodbath"
"What bloodbath?" Damien questioned.
"Nothing" They both answered automatically.
After a last look at their former house, the kids and Kyara finally left.

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