Chapter Eight

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"I was broken from a young age
Taking my sulking to the masses
Writing my poems for the few
That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me
Singing from heartache from the pain
Taking my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the...

Aiden, affected by the subtile Alpha command, made sure to keep himself quiet. His eyes wondered near Kyara, whom he knew not to be prepared at all to fight an experienced fighter, much less spar.
"Aiden! Come play with me," A little girl's voice squealed, running to meet the young, yet slightly older than her, handsome in his own right. The girl found herself fascinated with his forest green eyes.
That voice. It always made him smile when all he felt inside was pure, unleashed darkness.
Those amber eyes--they brought light.
"I can't," He explained to her, as she hugged his long legs. "I have train"
"Uncle has being training me too," She pouted. "Why don't you train with me?"
"You're too young," He excused.
Her eyes went black, poncing with her little body at him and landing on top of his broad chest. Tingles run on his arms, but he ignored them and tried to push the girl off his chest. But she wouldn't budge.
"You just don't want it because I'm too good, aren't I?" She tilted her head, making her long, silver hair fall. She threw a kick at his stomach, and locked his arms underneath hers.
"Yes, Kiki" He chuckled. "That's it, you figured it out, you little--"
But then, the unexpected happened. Young Kyara gave Aiden a kiss on his cheek. He heard his wolf, Ash, keep calling her mate, and in that moment, he was proud. Not of himself, but of having a mate like her. And he wondered, if he would ever be close to be worthy of her.
Goddess. He breathed in and out, watching the scene as everybody was staring at him, his own father glaring and gesturing to favor Felicia. He was really clear these time around. No room for mistake. If he came close to--
Worthy of mate.
His back ached, and he stretched to cover it, but it was caught by Kyara's analyzing eyes, narrowed and throughout, and so, so beautiful.
The scent of Lemon Verbana filled his nose as he couldn't keep his eyes off her.
"Alpha" Usually, when it was Yoseph to use the title, it meant something scary.
"Let it commence," That was all what Aiden said, before Felicia let out a roar and jumped at Kyara who narrowed her eyes at her, calculating her chances.
They were obviously not high; And the mere fact that she acknowledged it as the truth was prove enough that she knew where she stood, realistic enough to know that beating the life out of Felicia wasn't going to solve anything, but she could still prove herself.
The impact pushed her to the ground, the female grabbing at her hairs and pouring all her anger onto the punches that Kyara somehow managed to avoid. Dodging the bullet one by one, she decided to attack instead, feeling the piercing of claws hooking on her arms and legs, the wolf in her showing itself through the uncontrolled emotions of her fighting partner.
Kyara closed her eyes. She allowed herself to feel it; To control her emotions and using one by one to fuel her own movements. The pain. The anger. The resentment. The life that took all that she could ever had.
Bitch. Slut. Scrawny. Outcast. Freek. Broken.
No more.
"Grab her shoulders and pull her off you,"
Where did that voice come from?
Regardless, Kyara shook her head and gathered all her might, all her strenght, pain, anger-- and turned the situation around.
The many gasps of wonder that followed mirrored Kyara's own feelings--
"It's me silly, your wolf, Kendall"
"I thought wolves didn't speak" She retorted, grunting from the pain that erupted from the clean cut on her arm. Slowly, the wound closed, the blood keeping itself tucked underneath her veins.
"I do. Duh--I'm your wolf" She rolled her eyes. "Usually, we keep ourselves quiet, not to influence any of our humans' decisions"
While struggling, Kyara sighed and pinned Felicia to the ground, allowing Kendall to use some of her own force to prevent the other female from attacking further. After all, while Kyara wasn't indeed on her wolf form, she could still receive some perks from her wolf.
A silver wolf.
"Well, I wouldn't mind if--" She humphed as she felt her belly retracting because of the punch, and kicked her opponent, staring at her dull, brown eyes for the first time and saw it.
"I played my cards on this one! Hell yeah!" Her wolf excitedly exclaimed, eager to control Kyara's human movements, letting out her own claws and moved them tauntively over the woman's chest--
"Enough!" The Alpha barked, looking at Felicia with disappointment clear on his green eyes, refraining from regarding any admiration on Kyara's performance.
Yet, Kyara's wolf, Kendall, wasn't over.
She pulled the female by her shoulders and pushed her, the overwhelming force of the push so high that Felicia landed on the other side of the field, hit her head and knocked out, unconscious.
"Kyara Rivers has won" He annouced.
"Impossible!" A female's voice shrieked. "Felicia's the best warrior! This cannot be,"
"Mother," Aiden warned. "You proposed this as a death fight, but I cannot have anyone killing off my own pack members, because of your pettiness"
Uriah cleared his voice, adjusted his glasses and said: "If I may, death fights are not a costum of the wolf Packs, because of the rarity of this species"
"What do you know, Omega?" Sarah sneered, coming forward to comfront the Gamma, whose eyes filled with pain.
"Let me in, Kyara, I can handle her,"
"And who will handle you, Kenny?"
"Humph, not even the old bitch"
"Insults are not our thing, Kenny, not even if a person's as mean as her"
"We are werewolves for crying out loud!"
"Mother!" Aiden admonished, tossing an apologetic look at the Gamma, blinking at her, his eyes were elsewhere. He sighed.
"With all the respect, former Luna," the Gamma Uriah responded, keeping a close hand at his daughter, whom Leo had the sensibility of covering her ears. Kyara smiled at them, Harper shyly returning hers and Leo nodding dutifully.
"I'm the Gamma now," Uriah gathered the pups and instructed them swiftly.
"While we resolve this issue, please give me a few laps across the field,"
He turned to Leo, who stayed behind, eyeing Kyara and accessing her well-being, refusing to even move without checking. That made Uriah smile, as he put his hands on the little pup's shoulders.
"Why don't you and Harper go keep an eye on them? I'll return shortly,"
Leo nodded, and grabbed Harper's hand. The girl instantly relaxed, being dragged off by the energetic boy.
"Come on," Leo encouraged.
After they were occupied, Uriah turned to the old couple, his Alpha and his niece. Even though he's been trying to avoid it for years, it was still a conversation that need to happen.
"Now," He said. "Let's have this conversation elsewhere, shall we?"

He practically pushed the standers to a close spot, somewhere private but where he could still watch the kids. Felicia was still lying unconscious across the field, with the pack doctor accompanied by the Beta who failed to witness the whole thing.
"I don't mind if you speak that way to me in private, but not in front of the kids, specially my own daughter,"
Kyara watched, openmouthed, as her uncle looked between the couple and Aiden. Wait, if Aiden's the Alpha, Uriah's the Gamma, then who's the Beta?
"That pup's a freak, and you know it, Uriah," Yoseph put in, shaking his head. "My wife has not been carefully with her words lately, but surely, she'll be mindful next time," He reasoned. Calling Harper a freak was infuriating, her wolf, Kendall's emotions bursting through her like a tidal wave. The girl was skinny, but fairly beautiful.
But calling her a frwak? How many time had Kyara been the target of such mean insults?
Too much.
"That's what you used to be, isn't it?" Sarah's mouth couldn't just stay shut, and Kyara was close to having enough of it and use her Alpha command in her voice to shut the female permanently. Yet, she had to be better than them. Not to swoop so low on their endeavor.
Kyara blinked, and saw Uriah's eyes go black at the presence of his wolf.
Aiden buried his head on his hands, clearly tired of his mother's behavior. He didn't know of how he could be so tolerate of it during the years, but it was starting to escalate to a level that was simply too much.
"Mother, Uriah has been given the title of Gamma years ago," Aiden explained, tired of--well, everything.
Mate! Mate! Mate's so handsome. Good heartened. Brilliant.
"Stop praising him,"
"But that's what he is, and sooner or later, we are going to accept him"
"Later, because I'm not letting him in so easily"
"Well, now you're the Alpha," Sarah contested stubbornly, crossing her arms against her chest. "Demote him,"
"I won't" Aiden protested. "Uriah Anderson is to stay Gamma, because he's actually does something and is good at what he does. Not like you, who were even able of being a Luna" He accused.
"Do not talk to your mother like that, son," Yoseph ordered.
"You do what you want," Aiden spat. "Just remind yourself that now the Alpha's me!"
His father grew enraged, glaring at Kyara who walked to stand right next to her uncle, both watching the family fight unleash.
"You little--" He glared, feeling an intense hatred towards that girl, who ruined his plans. Ruined his son. She had to pay.
Kyara, on the other hand, raised her eyebrows, surprised at how the Callahan family worked. Her uncle, however, knew it since day one. Unfortunately, Yoseph's father was really well connected, and this could go south if he put his mind onto it.
But, as she looked into the green eyes of her mate, all she saw was fear. It scared her how much he looked like Damien right now. His tense shoulders, stern and blank face, the nervousness escaping through the cracks, it scared her.
"I have the pups to train," Uriah told her. "Let's go, Kyara,"
As she prepared herself to return to where'd left Leo and Damien in, as well as her cousin, Harper, she heard Aiden whisper.
"Kyara, wait," She turned to him, his green eyes pleading for her to stay, but she knew she couldn't. He had to be the one who chose to leave.
"See you around, Alpha"

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