Chapter Four

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"'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break even, even, no
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you? And
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up that you're okay?
I'm fallin' to pieces, yeah
I'm fallin' to pieces"

"No" That was all the Alpha said. "She's dead"
Aiden was perplexed. The Gamma, Uriah, was around for a lot of time, and he was a great one for the job of teaching young pups to fight. His father had tried to suggest demoting him in favor of a friend of his, who had been eying the position for a while. However, Aiden felt he owed the true Alpha and Luna for having saved his life then, and thus kept Uriah as the Gamma of the Full Moon Pack.
Now, he was claiming that that rogue was the best friend he lost in that Attack? Could he have lost his mind or something?

Meanwhile, Kyara seethed, keeping the tiny wolf and Damien off this people's glare. Not people. Per say. Wolves.
And that Gamma...did she recognize him from somewhere? Other than the fact that they both had amber coloured eyes, there was nothing---
"Are you sure, Elena? What if I do something wrong?" The man anxiously asked.
"Of course, Uriah," The beautiful woman assured. "You'll do great with little Kyara here." She petted her little daughter's head. At four-years-old, she was tall for her age, the mark of an Alpha showed on her shoulder. A full moon.
A copy of hers, except for the rare silver hair, that came with the fact that she was the one. The one rarest wolf in the world.
A silver one.
A purely silver one.
Her brother though, was sweating through the cracks.
"It's all going to be fine, Uriah," She reassured him again, putting a delicate hand on his shoulder. She smiled, making little Kyara giggle in joy.
"Theon and I will only be away for a month," She smiled softly at her brother. Her big teddy bear of a brother. He loved to teach and to fight, and it would be a wonder if he could have pups with Joan. It made her sad that, despite their struggles, Joan was not pregnant yet.
"It's going to be fine," She kissed his cheek and left, shifting into her wolf, Electra. Although she was restless about leaving her pup away, she knew it would be in great care with her brother, Uriah and his wolf, Ulrick. They took care of kids very well.
"Well, princess," Uriah kissed the little one's head. "It's going to just be you and me tonight," He moved to the cabinet in his tiny home, and took a DVD and a bowl with popcorn. "Who wants to watch Disney Movies all night long?" He grinned.
Little Kyara squealed with joy. "Me!"

"What is that rogue doing?" A female wolf said in disgust. "Kill her already!"
Kyara opened her eyes and searched for Uriah. He was a tall man, with small muscles and young for his age. His eyes were the similar as hers, and the was so much like her mother's Elena.
The memories came back. Hugging. Giggling. Staying with him and Joan.
"Kids...come with me" She started heading towards her uncle, and the tiny wolf and Damien bluntly followed her. She ran towards her uncle, who opened his arms, chuckling.
She hugged him. The faint scent of mint and herbs reached her nose, and all those--they had just come back.
"You remember!" Uriah smiled. "It's good to have you back, princess"
He patted her back, his amber eyes watching the children, who now were two kids, two pups, hugging at Kyara's legs.
"And who would you two be?" Uriah squated down, so he could look at them better.
But they didn't speak.
They didn't dare speak.
Would Kyara give them away?

Mate. Was the first word that came to his mind seeing the strange rogue. She faintly resembled Silver, but with the redhead was impossible to tell, and now Ash was telling him that she was his mate? What about Silver?
But the girl had called Uriah her uncle. And as far as he knew, Uriah only did have one sister, and she was dead.
The Luna was dead. Alpha was dead.
But the heir was still alive.
How was that possible?
Years ago, an attack had taken the couple's lives. Now, Yoseph had gotten Aiden as Alpha surrogate. What happens when he hears Alpha Female Kyara Rivers is back safe and sound?
He would try to kill her.
Mine! She's mine!
And those two pups? They smell of washed and pure wolves, what was it that they were doing with her? One had the scent of fresh parshment, the other of lavander. One was flinching away in fear, the other was sneering at every dirty look.
Rogues or not, they are kids.
"Let's take them to the pack" Alpha Callahan ordered.
"Alpha, are you crazy?" The girl screeched. "They are filthy rogues"
"Show some respect, Kenzie" He shot a look that kept her quiet, but not before she stole a glare at them.
Some wolves moved to grab the kids, but Kyara was already out of Uriah's hold and positioned herself in front of them. Aiden heard a loud growl before eying her.
"Try and see what happens" Kyara threatened. "Down"
They all moved away, including Aiden himself. It was amazing.
"Touch them and you'll lose your fingers"
Her command fell on the air. Then, she smirked at the Alpha with venom in her voice.
"Show the way, Alpha"

"Aiden, my baby!" A woman came running, as they reached the pack. Kyara guided the two kids inside with her, but saw the woman block her path.
"And who might you be?" She sneered.
Kyara rolled her eyes and ignored the comment, passing by with the kids at her wake.
"Hey! Who said you could enter! I am the Luna of this pack, you will respect me!" She made a motion to grab them, but she was stopped by an invisible force. Her green eyes shone with malice as she stared at the kids.
"Quiet" The word left her mouth and the woman's body froze. "Touch them and you'll lose your fingers"
"Aiden!" She cried. Really, that's so pathetic. The woman seemed to be in her late thirties, same as her uncle, and with those green eyes, Kyara concluded she could only be Aiden's elusive mother. "Have you seen her? How dare she lay a finger at me?"
"First, she never touched you, mother" He deadpanned. "Second, you aren't Luna of this pack since the title passed down at me,"
"But--" She stubbornly stomped her foot. "I am! You haven't got a mate yet"
"Doesn't matter," Aiden brushed the matter off.
The woman, Sarah, grew in fury, suddenly having the idea of disclosing the late news to her husband.
Let's see how long she and those bastards will last.

They walked inside the Full Moon's Pack's territory, its view a wonderful one. Kyara had to admire the huge packhouse in the center or the surrounding area, the training fields, thw cottages, the infermery, the kitchens, the gardens where she spent forever playing on. This Pack was one of the strongest when Alpha Theon was in charge, after his death, some warriors had stopped training altogether, although Uriah had pushed forward to keep the classes intact. Those pups needed to learn early--yet, new Alpha Yoseph didn't think of it as necessary. After a few months, it had become clear that he wasn't cut out to be Alpha of any pack, or beta, for that matter.

"You and--the young pups will stay on the Packhouse in my floor" Aiden explained to her, as he guided them inside. "If they can share a room?"
Kyara looked down at them. "You alright with that, guys?"
They nodded. Damien seemed scared, while Leo was more excited. He stormed off to see the interior of the house, which was not that impressive, except for the scary-looking male inside that seemed to have a permenant scowl on his face.
"What's the meaning of this?" He demanded. "Three rogues in my territory? And not on cells?"
"Father," Aiden acknowledged. "Move out of the way"
He shook his head. "This is not what I thought you, Aiden"
"No," He deadpanned. "It's not" He turned to look at Leo and Damien, who had hidden behind Kyara's legs upon hearing Yoseph's stern voice and stoic figure.
"Come on," He encouraged.
"Thank you, Alpha," Kyara dutifully appreciated his actions. Honestly, she didn't quite know what to expect, but that Alpha was turning to the better.
Aiden Callahan.
Why is that name so familiar?
Mate. Kendall was pacing furiously on her head with a loud growl that gave her a headache. "Stop that," she hissed.
"Stop what?" Leo sounded confused, as he saw Kyara hold onto her head.
Mate. Mate. Mate.
No. Aiden?
She thought it was supposed to be obvious since the moment they laid eyes onto each other. How was that possible?
"Kyara?" Damien soft voice rang out. "Are you okay?"
She petted his head, saying, "I'm fine, sweetheart"
Seriously? Now?
Why now?
"Is there something wrong, Kyara?" Aiden asked, his brows cringing. After all the years, she felt like a stranger to him. A stranger. When she used to be the closest thing he could call family.
He tried to be the best Alpha, but his father had left his scraps. Scraps. Untrained warriors and pups. It was all a mess. He had to put them on a tight leash after a decade of delaying duties and installing fear on the remaining pack members. After a year, it all seemed to go back on track, but rogue attacks were imminent and he couldn't relax. His father kept trying to, as he called, advise him, but, to make things worse, he wanted to replace Uriah. Aiden had trained with the Gamma. He was one of the best. The head warrior, Garrick, was also a prick. The Deltas were left unformed and discoordinated. He still didn't have a Luna, and he doubted Kyara to be anywhere interested in being a Luna. No. She was all alpha.
The Full Moon Pack was a mess. The Crescent Moon Pack was refusing to ally, due to the Yoseph's mistakes. The Waning Moon, well, it was no help either. Even the most feared one, the Blue Moon's, was refusing, since Alpha Theon, who was good friends with another territorial Alpha, passed away. Normally, it was Luna Elena who established the relationships, and her charm was very useful for it.
They all miss Theon and Elena. What do I do?
Bring their Daughter back.

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