Chapter Nine

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"I feel something so right
By doing the wrong thing
And I feel something so wrong
By doing the right thing

I couldn't lie
Couldn't lie, couldn't lie
Everything that kills me
Makes me feel alive"
Counting Stars

"So--were you?" Kyara's question, as she and Uriah were heading back to the fields, broke the silence. He did look back at her, his expression tired, the bags under his amber eyes seemed to be noticed. He looked young for a wolf--the age normally applied to humans worked different for wolves.
"Were I what?" He shot back, clearly pissed, but Kyara wanted to press further. That could be the only opportunity she had of learning the truth.
"An Omega?" She asked, raising her eyebrows and looking at him curiously.
"Yes, sadly," He responded. "But that was a long time ago, like Alpha Aiden said"
That didn't help much. Was my mom an Omega too?
That was what she really wanted to ask. She didn't remember her name--but on the memory she saw, he called her Elena. Elena Rivers.
Her mother.
"I know what you're thinking," Uriah said, as he stared above. "But Omegas do not exist anymore." He sighed. "Not on this pack, at least"
"What happened?" She questioned.
"The old Alpha--he erased the title," He answered. "But, originally, me and your mother--my sister Elena,-- came from a Pack that used them as slaves"
Kyara gasped, as she covered her mouth to hide the shock. She remembered vividly how was to live like that, to accomplish so much but be able to do so little, she was the one who did all the work on the Crawford's house, and the main caretaker of the twins. Knowing that her mom and uncle had gone through something similar--
Wait. What exactly happened for her to being seperated from her mother? And who was her father?
The old Alpha--she gasped again. They were clearly dead, but--how, and how did she end up in the human Orphanage?
"After your mother met your father, I earned the Gamma title" Uriah shrugged. "But that's in the past now"
"But why did that female Sarah--"
He sternly looked at his niece and said sharply,
"Sarah likes to exaggerate too much, don't dwell on it, Kyara," He shook his head. "The pups are waiting for us, Come on"

"See, that's how it's done," A girly voice instructed, as she held onto Leo's waist, a giggle coming from her as the boy smiled. "Project your arm forwards, and, as Dad said, and punch him!"
"Got it," Leo said and punch the pad, leaving the male warrior elated to see him hit the pads so readily.
"Thanks, Harp" He smiled at her and she blushed. Kyara frowned at Uriah, who proudly looked at his daughter, giving tips to the twins and helping them fight better. It filled her with contentment, as other pups surrounded them, talking and cheering as Leo sparred with another pup, and the warriors trained the others into some exercises, those important to build physical preparations.
"Is Harper...?" Kyare wondered, as she watched the skinny girl punch and kick mightly her instructor, leaving the warrior open mouthed.
"She trains hard," Uriah nodded. "But while some pups are very nice to her, others--"
"Ugh! What is that freak doing here?" The girl was a chubby, but muscler one, a blond-hair twelve-year-old with blue eyes.
"--Not so much" Uriah finished as he shook his head. "Go back to your training, Priscilla"
"Humph" She stomped her foot and went straigth to Leo. "Hi! I'm Pris, you wanna spar?"
"Sure," Leo shrugged, leaving Harper to deal with Damien, and his shyness. His fear stopped him from throwing a correct punch and the kicks were far too discoordinated.
"Remember," Uriah gathered their attention. "Physical strenght is not the only way to win a fight. Smartness, agility and wit are necessary as well."
He turned to his niece, and said, "Most of the wolves here go half a way through their training. Some," He gestured the group. "Have their wolves yet, like Leo and Damien--"
Kyara agreed, "To protect them from the--" She shut herself, "Like me"
"Wolves are a part of us," Uriah taught. "A soul, per say. A protector inside of us, our other half. It advises, protects, instructs-- a lot"
She nodded. "Others," He continued. "Have to train with what they have."
She narrowed her eyes to the girl who got Damien to punch harder, and knock out one of the pads from the warrior's hand. His grey eyes lightened up, smiling at Kyara when he spotted her.
She gave him a thumbs-up.
"And Harper?" She wondered. "Has she gotten her wolf yet?"
He nodded. "A lot--" He sighed. "She's pulling through, that's what matters"
"I guess," She raised her eyebrows at her uncle. He was quite stubborn, and those amber eyes weren't balging soon, including when he's talking about his child. But this Harper--she had learned it with Damien, that trauma could be easily overlooked--and she was no different. Usually, pups who get their wolves young are a result of the trauma they suffered, which brings out the protector in you. That, added to calling a young girl a freak--something she was unfortunately used to by now--was, per say, strange.
She was skinny--as if she wasn't very adamant of eating-- reclosed, shy, but a sweetheart nonetheless. She wasn't going to buy that her Gamma uncle was a secret abuser who took advantage of his child--although she had no met his mate before. Still, there was something off about Harper that she couldn't put her finger on.
"So, has she?" Kyara insisted. She could feel her wolf pace around her mind, which was slowly driving her crazy. Kendall could be quite stressful sometimes.
"Are you seriously suspecting him?"
"I'm considering every suspect, thank you very much"
"Harper's fine--"
"Oh, come on, even your instincts can tell she's not exactly the happiest girl in the world"
"Neither are you,"
"She shifted--which meant she probably needed her wolf for protection"
"From the lovely Gamma? I highly doubt it,"
"Kendall! Maybe not him, but someone on this Pack--ever since I got here, I couldn't stop picking up on this tension in the air--"
"Stop being so pranoid, you look weird"
"Kyara?" Uriah called, waving his big hand across her face, his own betraying an expression of slight concern.
"Her wolf--it was a surprise," He admitted, heating his cheeks up. "Neither me nor Joan could have picked up on it" He sighed. "I wanted to train to--"
"Be able to protect herself," She narrowed her eyes. Their similiar amber-coloured eyes. A sign of Elena.
"The question is, from who? Isn't she--"
Uriah's eyes grew dark, his own wolf bursting forward. She felt Kendall approaching carefully, stealing a glance at her kin. After all--Ulrick--was Electra's brother.
"Careful, pup, that's enough prying" Ulrick growled, making Kendall growl back. As an Alpha wolf, as she proudly puffed her chest, and a silver one at that, she didn't quite like to be disrespected.
"I get that you're protective of her uncle," Kendall spoke. "But I want to help,"
Her uncle sighed. "The best way to help is to leave it be, Kyara"
He walked off, heading towards the group of pups demanding to fight, and each round was more interesting than the next. After she successfully beat Felicia, the so-called best warrior in the Pack, everybody had started to somewhat respect her, even if Aiden refused to bring up the fact that she was his mate.
But, as much as she thought of him, she felt--nothing.
How could she feel nothing?
"Hey, you're--Kyara, right?" A wolf spoke to her, lowering his gaze to meet her. Those sky blue eyes, somewhat familiar, stared at her, frowning as if to determine exactly where he had seen her before.
"I'm Xander," He grinned. "Alpha Callahan's beta?"
She humphed. "Oh, so he does have a Beta," She twisted her lips, her eyes roaming towards his great physique, his leather jacket and confident air.
So the opposite of Aiden.
"It's a miracle he became Alpha" Her wolf chimed.
"Really? Aren't you supposed to encourage me to sleep with him? Aiden?"
"I'm willing to give you time to fall in love with him. He's worth a shot"
"I can't shake the feeling that something's so wrong with this pack, Kenny"
"You mean--the fact that you are able to control the pack better than him?"
"He'll probably want me to be Luna"
"I'm not a bloody Luna's wolf, Kyara. I'm an Alpha."
"And here was I thinking, you're just a fragment of his imagination" She smirked.
"You're a curious little thing, aren't you?" He raised his eyebrows. "No wonder he's been infatuated with you lately"
"Well, that's his problem" She hissed. "Not mine"
"As you wish, Luna" He said, as he stretched to grab Kyara's hand, as she narrowed her eyes at him. This Xander--he's Aiden's best friend, right?
"I'm not Luna" She stated. "I am A--Kyara Rivers, and I'm not a part of this pack yet"
"Hasn't Aiden offered to bring you to the Pack? That means you're still rogue"
She snorted and rolled her eyes, preparing herself to weasel out of the Beta's hands. "Lone wolf, and pack or not pack, you'll have to release me"
As if he had been burned, Xander immediately dropped of his hand, his blue eyes widened and curious, acessing her fake, yet pretty, red hair, amber eyes and smug look. Her nosstrils flared.
"How--did you do that?" He roared. "Only the Alpha's have---"
"No way" He said, and she quickly released her claws and made the Beta look at her.
"I'm not Alpha" She shrugged. "Not Luna either. Now, leave me alone"
"No!" He protested, passing his hand through his brown hair, his eyes so conflicted as he eyed Kyara, wondering what kind of wolf was she, that could release such a power command. He met Aiden for so long, but not even he--
"You heard her, Anders," A voice sneakered, a threatening tone lacing behind, making Xander take a step back, in a stance of fear. "Leave her alone"
"Now, now, Alpha" She teased. "Don't get jealous, Beta Xander and I were just having a conversation" She explained, smirking. "What I said stands, leave me alone, now"
"Damn" Xander cursed, "you got yourself a fiesty one"
"It doesn't matter," Aiden--Ash--growled. "Shs's mine!"

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