Chapter Fifteen

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"There's so much life I've left to live
And this fire's burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will"
I surrender

"Joan, you can't call the council" Uriah warned, his voice dripping with worry.
"Well, if this escalates, I'll have no choice but to" She shook her head. "This," She shook a vial in front of her mate's eyes. His curious, amber eyes followed her moves as she quickly pocketed it. "Was enhanced proposely to murder someone, in this case, the Alpha himself. It's an attempt at his life. Not to mention, Wolfsbane is a plant. Other ingrediants are needed when you brew a poison, Uriah. When you add stuff that you don't know the effects it will have with other chimical compounds, it turns dangerous. And dangerous is bad, very bad.

Kyara's sensitive ears caught the small conversation of her uncle and her aunt, eying their behavior as Joan kept the vial in her pocket, with hopes to analyze its contents throughoutly later. She, too, wanted to know who would dare to hurt Aiden, and, narrowing her eyes, she obvserved the cautious moves of the team of Epsilions as they constantly changed the Alpha's medicine. She didn't think rogues would be meticulous enough to pull the stant, considering the Alpha had every pack member in patrol, even more so, now, because of the attack. She could only hope Xander wouldn't screw it up.
"Kyara!" Joan smoothed her lab coat and smiled towards her niece. "Go in there" She nudged her head in the direction of the ward Aiden was kept in, suggesting he was, now, conscious.
"I don't know, Aunt, I---" Before she could finish her argument, the doctor was already pulling her towards the patient. "I'll be honest with you, Kyara" Joan sighed. "The poison is strong, nothing uncurable of course"
She stated confidently. "But," The pause unsettled Kyara's stomach. "It's quite possible his health is affected, and we did all the tests."
She could sense the doctor was hiding something, from the way her body tensed up in her presence, and the anxiety levels rose up to the point Joan was already panting.
She stared at her aunt. "What is it, Aunt Joan?"
"You have advanced healing abilities," She started, and before Kyara could speak up, defending the point that she had already tried, Joan didn't let her.
"Also," She emphasised. "Mates help heal each other faster."
Sighting, Kyara followed Joan, who proceeded to open up the curtain and reveal a tired-looking Aiden, hooked up to many machines, monitors beeping, the oxygen levels rising and falling. His lifeless green eyes brightened up when he saw Kyara, his mate, approaching.
"Good afternoon, Alpha" Joan smiled. "I see you're awake"
Her arms sneaked their way into Kyara's back, grabbing and pulling her to her side, her stern expression forcing her to adapt a quick smile, while skillfully trying to remove Joan's hold of her. And failing. Miserably.
"Doctor" He rasped, but his eyes were focused solely on Kyara. "Kyara"
"First and foremost, your treatment," Joan grabbed a clipboard from the counter next to the bed. She scanned the papers rapidly before returning her attention to the patient.
"Under normal circumstances, I'd administrate a quick antidote that can nullify the effects of the plant communly known as Wolfsbane. There a few weapons that can successfully kill a werewolf, as you know, and I spent my whole life brewing an antidote for the deadliest. Usually, the plant would weaken your wolf, this time, you would have become a human, had it not been the quick instincts of Miss Rivers."
A warm feeling spread onto Kyara's belly, as she heard Joan praising her for her instincts. Healing was a power she knew too well, whether it was for the twins or for herself. Even if werewolves were able to heal faster, to her, it would have been as if she was unvolnurable.
"Your life has been in danger as well, due to the severe injuries you sustained during the fight," Joan wrote something on the board, before tapping it. "I also recommend you refrain from training, Alpha Callahan, or else, your body could collapse. As well as taking a few of my special medicine to help your wolf restore its strength" She signed the paper and put it on the counter. "This should do"
Kyara couldn't help but wonder: "Had he become human, would his life be in danger?"
Joan wrote on the papers again, while simultaniously responding Kyara's question.
"It's a commun belief, yes," She raised her head to move to Aiden's catater, changing the medicine that entered through his veins and spread along his body. "Werewolves have a different body than humans. Our enhanced strength, speed, agility, and durability come mostly from our wolves. The belief is that, if you take the poison, it kills the wolf, and leaves the human" Joan checked his arterial pressure, wrote down the levels of oxygen and the rate of his heart. "But we are half and a half. A relationship of symbiosis" She passed a hand on his forehead before sighing.
"One cannot live without the other"
Kyara frowned. "But there have been cases where the werewolf doesn't have the wolf at birth"
"Those are rare occasions, where the wolf's presence is essentially dorment, mostly due to physical or psychological trauma the werewolf has endured. Research has proven that it can either trigger an earlier development of the wolf or retard it" Joan crossed her arms and she considered it. "It can also be a genetic mutation, in which the wolf's presence is nonexistent, but it has to be a history of that in the family, for the gene to manifest itself."
Kyara looked away. "Yeah, right"
Joan didn't notice Kyara's demeanor and, instead, moved to the edge of the room and picked up the curtains, then closed them, leaving them both alone. She stepped closer to Aiden's bed, her eyes scanning his status, which didn't look too good. In fact, Aiden was laying in bed with nothing but a hospital gown, his bruised face trying to smile at her, and failing. A weird feeling in her chest blossomed, the sense of worry crushing her like a tidal wave, the way she used to when the twins got hurt. Her hand snuggled closer and petted his, feeling the softness of his skin, his huge hand and long fingers, smiling when the tingles crawled their way into her own skin. She closed her eyes.


"Kyara!" Her mother's worried gasp filled the silence, instintively snuggling up closer to her mate, Alpha Theon, who watched his daughter shift intensely. Throughout the years, many wolves shifted in his pack for the first time, it was a normal procedure for young wolves...but this, this was Kyara, and the sound of her bones cracking teared up his heart inch by inch.
A little boy, too, tensed up when the silver wolf appeared right in front of him. It was so--unnatural, rare, beautiful-- that he couldn't stop staring at the curious amber eyes peaking through. His hand caressed her fur, a purr coming from her mouth as she leaned closer to his touch, the tingles getting harder and harder to ignore.
"Kiki" Denny whispered, making the small wolf gaze at him. "It's me"
"She can't hear you, sweetheart" Elena crunched to their level. "You have to mindlink"
"I know that," Denny shot back, batting the Luna's hand away, when she tried to comfort him. It made Elena sad that a sweet boy like him---
"Aiden, don't be disrespectful to your Luna," Theon admonished. He sighed, grabbing Denny's hand. "She's trying to help you,"
"I don't need any help" Denny snorted, getting angrier. The harsh blue eyes of Theon froze his thoughts, letting him breath to calm his spirits and pet the fur of Kyara's wolf again, the calm toning down his anger. He lowered his head, and said, "I'm sorry, Alpha"

"I was in a very bad place then," Aiden spoke, his hoarse voice snapping Kyara out of the transe. His forest green eyes softened when they looked at his mate, her eyebrows shotting up in wonder.
"What are you talking about?"
"You saw,"
"Saw what?" She asked back, daring Aiden to grasp exactly what he saw. Or heard. Or gathered. Could he possibly--
"My memory" He explained. "You touch people's hands and see their memories"
She crossed her arms, and her eyes widened, first, she had thought it was hers, but then again, she couldn't he that sure either--
"It's not a power I have mastered yet" She reasoned, only to make Aiden smile again and lean back. He was more relaxed than her, and how could he not be? He had a pack to lead, and she hadn't seen the boys in hours. The whole mess was a lot to deal with, specially, when she could be the only chance that Aiden was alive.
"Clearly," It only made Kyara furious. "So, why are you still here? And who's dealing with the pack?" Aiden had gone straigth to the point, surprising her, as she was not quite sure of the situation outside the place Joan had brought him to. According to her memory, the command had been temporarily assigned to Joan, but she was here, which probably meant Beta Xander was dealing with it. That if Yoseph and Sarah didn't take any advantage of the situation, once again, unlikely--
Obviously those two won't take their son's recovery to be a back in business opportunity, Kendall hissed.
They are the definition of opportunity, Kenny.
Still, I don't feel mate getting any better. Are you sure our powers don't work anymore?
Powers already helped, Kendall, and stop calling him that--
But that's what he is, isn't he? Acknowledge it, for Goodness's sake.
Kyara groaned internally, upset with Kendall's antics and her directness. She felt her wolf was right, and her presence was only distracting Aiden from what he had to do.
Sure. Her eyes explored his sharp face, deep forest green eyes and the softness of his skin, their shiny, beautiful complex that made her want to wonder lost in him. She shook her head, panting.
"You haven't answered my question" Aiden's eyebrows rose, pointing it out.
"How should I know, I've here all along" She shrugged.
"Then, I suppose Xander has it all covered, right?" He pushed, wanting to know more of the events that happened in his absence. If his parents ever tried to take the pack back, given his sickness--
The Elders might accept it.
"Well," She gritted her teeth. "There hasn't been an issue lately, but--"
"Kyara," Aiden warned, groaning in pain. "The pack"
"I said I am taking care of it, Alpha" She reforced it. She breathed out and looked at him. She tried her best to look concerned and smiling, but the sneers kept coming. She could not look away.
"You focus on getting better, please"
On the other end, Aiden's worries arose. Xander was once his bully, but they've reached an agreement, when his parents made him, the son of the Head Warrior of the Pack, the Beta. His abilities were questioned, and Aiden felt like doing both jobs at same time. So, he looked at Kyara with an exhausted look, a plead of help, and she sighed, giving in.
"Why don't you just tell me the truth, Aiden," Kyara thought, shooking her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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