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(A/N:Hello again! Heh...I'm doing this again like I did the other episode. Because this will be in 3 POV. I will tell you when the Reader's POV was.)

"Yes, Mr. Césaire. The boys are ready for bed! Uh...technically speaking...yeah, we're good. Enjoy the movie!" Mason says into his phone as he hangs up and turns off his cellphone. He then turns over to Aidan who says to his brothers who were giggling, "Come on, bedtime, you little monsters! That's enough mischief for one day!"

Aidan says as he picks up both of his twin brothers who both say, "It's not us! It's the Sapotis!" They giggle as Aidan takes them to their room and tucks them into their beds. "Off to bed, little Sapotis. You need to rest if you wanna be fighting fit for tomorrow." Aidan explains with a smile to his little twin brothers as one of his little brother's sits up and says with a pout, "It's not fair! We don't wanna go to bed! We wanna stay up like you!"

"Yeah! We wanna watch the movie and tell each other lots of secrets!" The other twin says as he sits up also them both staring at Aidan. "And what kind of zombies will you be at the amusement park, tomorrow, if you go to bed late?" Aidan asks with a smirk crossing his arms as he then turns to Mason who was at the doorway.

"Show 'em Mason." Aidan says as Mason then pretends to yawn and feels exhausted after he wakes up in the morning and he leans on the door. Aidan then turns back to his two twin brothers with a smile and asks, "So what's it gonna be? Boring, sit-down pajama party with the big kids, or the super fun cool amusement park tomorrow?"

"The amusement park!" The twins say with a smile as they both lay back down. "That's what I thought." Aidan says with a smile as he then says, "So, good night, Sapotis." Aidan goes to reach down to remove one of his little brother's hat on his head. "Wait! Can we keep them on, please?" His little brother says with a pout as Aidan says, "All right. But go to sleep now." Aidan then gets up from the bed and walks over to Mason who was still at the doorway. Aidan then turns off the light before closing the door and leaving the room.

In the living room, Aidan sets down a tray with a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses on the coffee table, and transfers the tray's contents to the table. "You have the technique down with your little brothers." Mason says as he was in the kitchen grabbing a plate and a fork as he looks back to Aidan and continues, "But, uh, who are the Sapa...Sapo..." "The Sapotis? They're little monsters from a créole fable... who are always pulling pranks and making all sorts of mischief."

Aidan explains as he then walks over to Mason who had grabbed two slices of cantaloupe out of the refrigerator. Aidan places the tray down on the counter as he stares at Mason, "Now that we're all alone I can finally tell you. Apparently, Lady Noire has been around at least since the Pharaohs. But no way can the Lady Noire we know can be five thousand years old!" Aidan explains to Mason as Aidan pulls out his phone showing Mason while Aidan looks back at his phone.

"So, I downloaded a great app that analyzed some recordings I had of her talking. Based on the frequencies of her voice, it turns out she's a girl our age!" Aidan explains with a wide smile as Mason stares at him with wide eyes he then looks behind Aidan as Mason then questions , "Uh, Aidan...the orange juice?"

Mason points behind Aidan as they hear his little brothers giggling. Aidan looks over the couch to see that the pitcher of orange juice has been completely emptied. Aidan groans as he goes to the twins' room and wipes both twins' mouths with a napkin. "It's not us! It's the Sapotis!" Both of the twins say with giggles as they lay back down in bed and Aidan walks of the room.

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