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(Hey! My lovely readers! I wanted to say that I'm so excited for you guys to see these two episodes! I've been dying to do them! And as you know I'm doing them differently as always and some of you really like when I do that! Because well...I've done it in every episode I could think of. Anyway these two episodes I hope will be good since it is the hero's day ones. Also let me know what you guys think! Anyway enough of me blabbing! Enjoy these two episodes!)

I jump on a roof as I run across the roof and I jump on my roof climbing into my window as I de-transform back into my civilian form. I yawn exhausted as I say, "Finally." I take my shoes off as I crawl into bed getting comfortable while I lay down. Plagg then pulls my covers up for me tucking me in as I say with my eyes closed, "Goodnight, Plagg."

I feel Plagg kiss my forehead as he says, "Mwah! Sleep tight, (Y/N)." Plagg flies on top of my head as he closes his eyes and we both slowly fall asleep. Suddenly my phone goes off as I hear, "Rise and shine, everyone! Today is Heroes' Day, a day when you too can be a hero."

I groan as I sit up with Plagg groaning as well. "Heroes' Day?" I question when then my eyes widened remembering this episode. I quickly get up as I fix myself getting ready and I put my shoes on as I run into my bathroom grabbing my toothbrush.

I start to brush my teeth while Plagg was sitting on my sink as he had his Camembert in his hands as he yawns. "I literally forgot to plan my good deed for today." I say with a sigh as Plagg looks to me and questions, "And the fact you were up all night saving Paris isn't an enough of a good deed?"

I turn to Plagg with a giggle as I finish brushing my teeth, "No, Plagg, because that was a secret and Lady Noire's good deed. Heroes's Day is when everyday citizens preform a good deed for other peoples benefit." I explain as Plagg finishes his Camembert and I shake my head with a giggle while Plagg flies into my hair. I walk back into my room grabbing my bag as I then make my way downstairs to my parents.

My parents look to me with a smile as Bailey runs up to me jumping on me while I giggle. "So did you figure out your good deed?" My dad asks as him and my mom walk up to me, "Well...I had one idea but I think it's not really good..." I say as I scratch the back of my neck, "What did you come up with sweetie?" My mom asks with a smile as I look down to Bailey.

"My good deed is I thought since there are a lot of animals in Paris I would help the adoption center. So they could get more people to adopt some pets and what better way then to let everyone see how Bailey and I get along." I explain as Bailey wags his tail standing beside me while my mom and dad smile, "That sounds like a great deed sweetie." My mom says as my dad nods in agreement and I smile.

I knew it would be messing up the plot if I did anything but I still had to do something since I'm in school for crying out loud. Let's just hope nothing happens to mess up the plot.

 Let's just hope nothing happens to mess up the plot

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