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As the tutoring session flew by in a blur of numbers and equations, I found myself surprised by how quickly the time had passed

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As the tutoring session flew by in a blur of numbers and equations, I found myself surprised by how quickly the time had passed.

A sense of disappointment settled over me as he gathered his things to leave, leaving behind an empty space that seemed to ache with his absence.

I couldn't understand why I felt so drawn to him, so inexplicably drawn to his presence.

It was like a magnetic pull that I couldn't resist, an inexplicable longing that seemed to consume me from within.

Try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling of obsession that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, driving me to seek out his company at every opportunity.

It was as if he had cast a spell over me, binding me to him in ways I couldn't comprehend.

And yet, despite the turmoil raging within me, I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that stirred in my chest at his words.

"Are we going to do another one tomorrow?" he asked quietly, his voice a soft murmur that sent a shiver down my spine.

I blinked, taken aback by the question. It was as if he had read my mind, anticipating my unspoken desires with an uncanny accuracy that both thrilled and unnerved me.

"Um, yeah," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, sure. Same time?"

He nodded. "Same time." he confirmed, his gaze holding mine with an intensity that left me breathless.

As I stand up slowly, the heat of the room pressing in around us like a suffocating blanket, I make my way over to the fan, my movements deliberate yet tinged with a nervous energy that refused to be contained.

With trembling fingers, I switched on the fan, relishing the cool breeze that washed over me like a refreshing wave.

But even as I tried to focus on the simple task at hand, I couldn't shake the feeling of his gaze burning into me, searing through the layers of my composure with an intensity that left me breathless.

I stole a glance at him out of the corner of my eye, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his presence.

He stood there in the center of the room, his expression unreadable as he watched me with a mixture of curiosity and something else, something I couldn't quite name.

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the air thick with unspoken tension and unfulfilled desires.

And then, with a sigh, he spoke, his voice a soft whisper that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Do you mind if I stay a little longer?" he asked, his words hanging in the air between us like a delicate thread.

I blinked, taken aback by the unexpected request. "Um, no, I don't mind," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

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