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The next day, I decide to stay home from school

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The next day, I decide to stay home from school. I don't have any tests, that I know of. 

"Hey, Pais." My phone is next to my ear, Paisley speaks through my phone and replies back. 

"Hey, what's up?" Paisley's voice comes through, sounding casual.

"Not much, just taking a mental health day," I reply, sinking deeper into my blankets. 

"Ah, gotcha. Need some company?" Paisley asks, always the supportive friend.

I smile, even though she can't see it. "That would be great, actually. Want to come over?"

"Sure thing. I'll stop at Bob's and get our usuals." she says cheerfully before we hang up.

I roll out of bed and make my way downstairs, feeling a slight twinge of guilt for skipping school. But today, my mental well-being takes priority. As I wait for Paisley to arrive, I brew myself a cup of tea and settle onto the couch, wrapping myself in a cozy blanket.

Before long, there's a knock at the door, and I hurry to let Paisley in. She comes bearing a bag full of snacks and drinks from Bob's, her infectious smile brightening up the room.

"Hey, thanks for coming," I say, giving her a hug.

"No problem at all. So, what's on the agenda for today?" Paisley asks, plopping down on the couch beside me and setting the food on the coffee table.

I shrug. "Not much, really. Just chilling, maybe binge-watching some Netflix."

"Sounds perfect to me," she replies with a grin, grabbing a handful of chips from the bag.

I turn on the tv and start to play Gossip Girl. Not too long after we start watching, my grandmothers monitor goes off for her breakfast.

Knowing my parents aren't home, I stand up and make my way towards the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, I find the pot full of homemade soup made just for her.

I put some into a bowl and throw it in the microwave for a minute. While I wait, Paisley walks into the kitchen with the remains of our food and places it in the fridge. 

"Need a hand?" Paisley asks, noticing me bustling around the kitchen.

I smile gratefully. "Yeah, if you don't mind. Could you grab a tray from the cupboard over there?"

Paisley nods and retrieves a tray, placing it on the counter next to me. I carefully transfer the hot bowl of soup onto the tray, along with a spoon and a napkin.

"Thanks, Pais. I appreciate it," I say, always feeling grateful for her help.

"No problem at all. It's the least I can do, trust me." She replies, her expression warm and caring.

Together, we make our way to my grandmother's room. I knock lightly on the door before entering, finding her sitting up in bed, a smile spreading across her face when she sees us.

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