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An hour later, I'm making my way to my next class

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An hour later, I'm making my way to my next class. My next exam isn't for another hour so I have time to refresh.

Getting to my next class, I sit down in the back of the classroom and place my bag on the chair next to me. 

"What a coincidence we have two of the same classes together." a voice next to me says, Looking up I see it's no other than the guy from before. Is he sure he isn't stalking me?

"Oh, hey again." I give him a polite smile.

"Is this seat taken?" He points to the seat next to me. 

"No, it's all yours." I shake my head and move my bag for him to sit down next to me.

He flashes me a grateful smile before settling into the seat, and I can't help but notice the way his presence seems to fill the space around us.

As the teacher begins the class, I try to focus on the material at hand, but I find myself stealing glances at the guy beside me. 

There's something about his easygoing demeanor and friendly smile that puts me at ease, a welcome distraction from the stress of exams and deadlines.

Before I know it, the hour has flown by, and it's time for the class to come to an end. As we gather up our belongings and prepare to leave, the guy turns to me with a friendly grin.

"Same time, same place tomorrow?" he asks, a hint of playful teasing in his voice.

I can't help but laugh at his comment, feeling a sense of warmth spread through me at the prospect of seeing him again. "Sure, why not?"

With a final wave goodbye, he heads off in one direction while I make my way in the other, a smile lingering on my lips as I think about the unexpected connection I've found in the midst of my hectic schedule.

As I head to my next class, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside me. Maybe this is my chance to finally get over Rowan. 

My next class is my final exam. My heart starts to beat even faster, fear clawing at me like a cat. 

I take a deep breath and continue to walk to my class. 

As I take my seat in the classroom, despite my best efforts to remain calm, the familiar tendrils of anxiety begin to creep in, threatening to unravel my composure.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I glance around the room. 

All of the students make their way through the doors and into their designated seats. 

I try to focus on the task at hand, blocking out the distractions and doubts that threaten to overwhelm me. 

With each passing moment, the minutes tick by like agonisingly slow footsteps, leading inexorably towards the inevitable.

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