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 (y/n) POV--------

I turned around to see the same butler I had used as leverage standing there. How did he get up here!? I understand how I did but, he's a butler! Residing not to ponder the thought I ran strait at him, whilst grabbing my other dagger 'nice and clean'  and striking towards his left kidney. He quickly moved out of the way but persistently I followed his movement. In doing so I earned a surprised look and hit my target. "Dumb ass," I called at him after a successful blow. 

However after I had attacked him he seemed slightly angry. Stuffing his hands into his tailcoat to speedily reveal several forks and knives. Flinging them at me I evaded every one. This earned me a glare. I laughed. What else could I do, it was as if he'd never seen the way some one from the streets fought before. Let alone the top assassin in all of England.

"Who are you?" he called out to me. Did he think I was ill minded? Who tells some noble's butler whom they are just after killing somebody? That didn't matter though, if I was late getting back to HQ it would surely be a mess. "I'll ask again. Who are you?" 'Repeating the question doesn't make me answer any faster!'  Just his tone of voice and the way he said each word infuriated me.

"Lynx. The other street rats call me Lynx." I was getting sick of his games and just wanted to get out of there. Sure answering his question might give away leads and such. But I didn't care right now!

"Very well. Would you tell me who you work for?"

"I work for whoever needs me to. Any assassination job worth the fun." Just shut up and leave already!

"Really, is that so? If I may ask, why didn't you loot Sir Edward? He had may valuables on him still including his wallet. This could have supported you for almost a year is used wisely. So why did you not take it?"

" I don't live off of my victims. I support myself through theift and robbery. And this isn't an interrogation.  So stop asking questions!" I shouted at him. Any longer and I just might kill him too. 

Taking a look at the wound I had given him earlier my (e/c) eyes widened. 'I just realized. That wound should have been drenched in blood by now and him on the ground dead.' He saw me glance at his gash and only smirked. That little bastard! I should have noticed the second he flung those knives at me. No human can be that fast or bother with carrying cutlery around with them.' He's either a Demon, a Reaper, or an Angel. No wait if he was a Reaper surely he would have used his Death Scythe by now, right?

But if he was an Angel he should be obsessively speaking about snuffing out the unclean and purifying the impure. So he had to be a Demon, right? RIGHT!? Doesn't matter now.'  I turned around and hopelessly made a run for a nearby ally. Grateful when I felt my feet touch the rocky ground. From here I only had to make a few turns and I would be away form that Demon and safe inside my creed's head quarters.

----Time Skip---------

Sebastian's POV-------

I willingly let her get away. Having all the information I needed there was no use to ponder further. Instead I hurried back to Young Master and called us over a carriage.

---Back at The Mansion--------

"Sebastian, what information were you able to get out of that assassin?" Young Master asked me with a slight hint of interest in his voice. 

Placing down his cup of Earl Grey I went to grab for the slice of chocolate cake and replied," I managed to immediately figure out that the assassin is not human. The way that they were flawlessly able to dodge my attacks and then strike against me proves my point." I continued," From what I was given any one searching for them refers to them as 'Lynx'.  The 'Lynx' doesn't live off what they loot from their victims, but instead steals to support themselves."

Feather of a Crow (Sebastian x Demon!Reader) - Old!UnfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now