Simply One Hell Of A Butler

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~*~*~*~*~*~(Y/N) POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

All you heard was the constant clatter of metal cutlery and Death Scythe, one of the two roaring and whizzing with speed. Sebastian had not taken well to the insults William had given him nor the other way around. However it was amusing to the human eye to watch Grelle (or so she-he was called by their college.)

An amused grin spread wide across the red heads face. Each tooth adorned the rednette's features.

Sebastian had managed to lodge two knives-one in William's right shoulder, the other in his thigh- and a fork-which pierced the Reaper's left arm all skillfully thrown by the butler himself. Causing Grelle to swoon even if the Demon was--supported by rule--to be his enemy.

Being lost in thought was very rare of you. Very, very, rare. And of all the chances you needed this in now was just perfect. As two pieces of metal clashed almost on spot of where you stood moments ago.

You took a sharp (and probably unneeded) breath and glanced at the two reapers fighting in front of you. If this had been any normal day you would've just beat the crap out of them. But today was different, "I thought you Reapers were skilled in the art of fighting, considering the fact of how you collect the memories of humans."

"Well if you'd stop talking," hollered William, "perhaps I'd be doing better!" He was leaping out of the way of several more pieces of cutlery while thrusting his pruner towards the shaggy haired butler and snipped a sliver of a lock off. Leaving the demon to only glance at his deft ended hair.

"Either way, I should be going boys. The presence of such ilk has really buffered my attitude and I'm afraid having you here Crow doesn't fancy my opinion," you responded with a slight roll of the eyes--flashing a magenta hue--before turning to leave the three (rather two) men to fight out their differences. However, life doesn't like your opinion right now.

Grell-in the process of fawning over 'Sebby'-had crossed behind you. Causing you to stumble over them and land on the roof shingles. Of course one would expect a demon like you to have better reflexes such as Sebastian or Claude, but it had been a while since you'd visited the Overlands and been out of Hell. It was easier to manager balance and mobility there as it was full of other demons.

Hitting the roof you started to slide, picking up a slight momentum. You flipped and grabbed onto the shingles (tearing off a few in the process). Slowly bringing yourself into a risen position as to not cause a headache.

While this occured William had glanced at his watch-seeing the dis pleasurable time-and had stopped deflecting Sebastian's attacks. The butler also seemed to notice and halted his strikes. Grell(e) took notice that the two men had stopped fighting and just now saw you. 

"Oh Willy! Who's this darling over here!" Grell(e) spoke while poking your face. (Personal space much?)  He then attempted to hug you. Only to get pushed back.

"Please don't. I'd prefer to go away from this clean, not touched by a red headed reaper."

"Ahh, yes Grell(e), don't you think we should get going? Not mingling with demons?" A monotone voice spoke out. His companion moving behind you as a source of protection. "Or do you want my overtime too? I'm sure that can be arranged."

"NO!NO!NO! No, no. I'm coming!" He turned back at you as he stepped towards Will," 'till we meet again dear!"

A/N (Author's Note)

Hello! I feel really bad for having abandoned this story for so long. I stopped writing it for so long due to lack of inspiration. I started this story with plenty of random ideas and it's gotten this far. And my sincerest apologies to you all. I never expected so many readers to be honest. Yeah there's a lot of you out there but, WOW! When I published the last authors note I was going through major writers block. I had just discovered Quotev (I know amazing) and found the way it was set up easier to just use overall. I will have this posted on my Quotev account soon enough. And don't worry I'll still work on it here too. But I'm glad to have finally given you all a new chapter. 

FOR ALL OF YOU!!! I NEED IDEAS! If you have any ideas for what can happen later on in the story (or what you want to happen) please tell me! It would really help and I'd love to put your thoughts into this story. 


With updates I'm hoping to get a chapter (or two if I'm REALLY lucky) out at least once (1) a month. This doesn't mean there definitely will be a new chapter each month. But only that I'm trying my hardest to get out new content to you guys as soon as possible. Thanks! 


Where Else to Find me:

Username: WolfStarClan

Username: Litho_Laboratory_

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