Chapter 1

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-Briannas POV

"Brianna. Get up and get ready!" My mom yells at me from downstairs. I open my eyes, and i remember i have school today. The only thing that is making me get through the day is the fact that were moving to Englishtown, New Jersey, and todays the last day of school. Hello Summer! I groggily get up and head to the bathroom to hop in the shower. I turn on the water and strip myself of my clothes. I step in, and instantly the warm water drips down my just awoken body. It was a nice feeling. After i had finished with everything in the shower, i stepped out only to have the cold air hit my body. I quickly wrapped the towel around my body and head for my room. My room was not too big, not too small. I pulled out the hair drier, and dried my hair. I grabbed my striaghtener, and straightened my almost straight hair. Then i picked out an outfit, slipped it on, and grabbed my make-up case. I put a light amount on, and grabbed my 'Pink' back pack and my phone and walked outside to wait for the bus to pick me up.

The bus pulled up in front of my driveway, and as i started to walk towards it, i tripped, and fell on my ass. Oops. Well, that's embarrassing. I got on, blushing so bad as everyone laughed at me and made irrelevant jokes. I sat down with my bestfriend Meghan. She was literally the only person i could trust. "You didn't see that, did you?" i ask her as i sit down. Her face is so red from holding back laughter, and she finally spits out "Yea." Then she starts laughing uncontrollably. "Shut up! It wasn't that funny." "It was pretty funny." She says wiping the tears from her eyes from laughing too hard. I playfully slap her, and the rest of the bus ride was quite boring and just consisted of me listening to my music, which consisted of One Direction. Yes, i like One Direction.


When we got to school, as me and Meghan were walking, someone tripped me, and i dropped everything. I look up to find Mckenzie, the biggest bitch. she hates everyone, but her 2 friends, and everyone loves her. She's laughing, while her boyfriend is laughing too. I just grabbed my stuff, got up and walked away like nothing happened even though mostly everyone saw it happen. "Hey, i gotta tell you something in lunch." Meghan says interrupting the silence between us. and she didn't sound happy. oh no.

5 boring periods later, (School periods, not actual periods you dirty minded people) lunch finally came, and i was worried to what Meghan had to tell me. But before she could, my tray of food was pushed onto my chest, and i had pizza sauce all over me. And guess who? Mckenzie. My tray fell to the floor. I left it there, not caring what so ever, and i walked down to the nurse to get myself cleaned up.

I got down there, and the nurse asked "What happened now?" "I wasn't looking where i was going, and i hit something, and my tray flung back onto my chest. " I say obviously lying, not wanting to make my life worse by making Mckenzie hate me more for ratting her out. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up." She says walking me to the bathroom to wipe most of the sauce off. "I'll call your mom, and i'll have her bring you different clothes." The nurse says walking off into her office to call my mom. My mom knew about Mckenzie and what she had always done to me. but she could do nothing about it. Shit. I just remembered, now i don't even know what Meghan wanted to tell me, and im moving after school today. I hate this.


About a half hour later, my mom walks into the nurses office with a bag of my clothes in it. She hands me it and says "i didn't know what you would want to wear so i just brought you a couple of things." "Thanks mom." I say walking into the bathroom to change. I strip myself of my dirty clothes, and slip on the clean ones. I come out of the bathroom with my new outfit and hand my mom the bag. "Alright, well i really gotta get to class, bye!!" I say walking out of the nurses office. The rest of the day was just a blur.


Finally, out of school, no more for the summer, and next year, i won't even have to come to this school. Adios bitches. My walk home, was kinda long, and kinda boring. I refused to take the bus because everyone on it was annoying and didn't even act their age.

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