Chapter 21

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I grab my bags, and start towards the part of the airport where everyone is either leaving, entering, or waiting for someone. 

I scan the room, and quicker than I imagined, I found Whitney and Abby waiting for me. I run towards them screaming “Whitney! Abby!” I hug both of them right when I get up to them. “Hi! How’ve you been baby girl?” Whitney asks me when she breaks the hug. “I’ve been good, great actually! How about you?” “Good. The girls are dying to see you.” “Oh my gosh. I can’t wait to see them. I miss them so much.” “Alright, let’s go then.


We walk out, and walk to my aunts car. I get in and pull out my phone and ear buds. I place one in my ear and leave the other one out. Just in case Whitney or Abby try to talk to me. I put my songs on shuffle, and the first song that comes on is Acapella by Karmin. Out of habit, I start lip syncing the lyrics and do a little dance session in the back seat. “Thought you were the perfect lover.” I accidentally said out loud. I cover my mouth quickly but then I couldn’t help but laugh when both Abby and Whitney looked back to me. “Sorry, getting to hard core back here.” I say giggling. 

About 8 songs later, we arrive back at their building. I hate New York Traffic. There’s so much of it. My heart starts to beat faster. I can’t wait to see Sofia and Ella.

Whitney helps me get my bags out of the car, and thank god they have wheels. We drag them to the elevator. Abby’s already in the elevator waiting for us. “you could’ve helped us Abby.” Whitney says. “We did have 3 bags you know.” I chime in. “Yeah, but I’m already carrying my phone. I didn’t have enough room to carry a bag.” She says joking around. “Actually, you didn’t have to carry it, they have wheels.” “Psh… Pshhh.” she starts trying to think of something to say. “Shut up.” she finally says in a whiny voice.  I realized we haven’t even clicked a button to go anywhere, so pretty much we’ve just been standing in a motionless elevator with the door open, talking, and everyone could see us and hear us. I finally click the number 8 button. We reach about the 5th floor and some woman steps on. She’s wearing a sort of businessy suit. She looks pretty professional. She has a brief case in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 

I hear my phone go off and I go to reach for it, and I accidentally bump into her, and her coffee spills over the front of her suit. Whoops, I hope she was coming back from something and not going somewhere. Out of habit, my hand goes over my mouth, and I pull it away and quickly say “oh my gosh, I am so sorry ma’am.” She rolls her eyes at me, and I can tell she isn’t very pleased with me. I finally look at the caller I.D. and it’s Mikey.  I have to call him back. I click the ignore button, cause it would kind of be rude to be on the phone with someone after I just knocked coffee on someone’s business suit. “You should watch where you’re going. I have a meeting to go to, and now because of you, I have to change, and get another cup of coffee.” She says emphasizing the word ’another’. 

I can see my aunts in the back corner of the elevator trying not to laugh. I almost laugh, but I try to hide it in a cough. “You think this is funny?” She says making an annoyed face. “No. I coughed.” I said trying to hide a smile. 


We step out of the elevator and burst out laughing. “Did you see her face?!” Whitney says, tears now sneaking out of her eyes. “Yeah, she was so pissed.” I exclaim. 

We all wipe the tears from our eyes, and head to their apartment. I probably look like such a mess right now. I honestly don’t even care though. 

We get into the room, and the first thing that happens is that I get tackled by two small children. I let go of my suitcase and hug them both back. “Hi! I’ve missed you guys so much.” I tell them. “We’ve missed you too.” Sofia says to me. “Come here, we made stuff for you.” Sofia grabs my wrist and drags me to her room. 

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