Chapter 27

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I woke up in the morning and called Ava right away.


“You’re meeting up with me today.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Now where are we meeting?”

“What makes you think I’m just going to meet up with you?”

“Because I said so.”

“Why do you even want to meet up?”

“Because we need to talk.”

“About what?”

“About everything.”

“Fine. Where do you want to meet?”

“Where we met last time, but we aren’t going in. We’ll stay outside.”

“Fine. Meet me there in a half an hour.”


And with that, I hung up, and spiked my hair. I had to figure out what Ava was talking about. I just hope that she’ll be cooperative. 


I waited at the café for about 10 minutes because I got there early. Soon enough, I see Ava walk towards me with an annoyed look on her face. “So, what do we have to talk about?” She says when she gets up to me. “You should know what we have to talk about.” “Well obviously I don’t, so just tell me.” I sighed crossing my arms. “You purposely made my girlfriend break up with me by kissing me right in front of her! What was that all about?” She laughed while tilting her head back. “You really don’t know, do you?” “Well no.” “You’re seriously going to make me tell the whole story again?” “Well yeah. I need to know what happened. I’m so confused, and heart broken.” “Fine. Well, we were best friends, and I was dating Justin Michaelson. I was told by all my best friends that you had a crush on me, and I didn’t believe it, because we were best friends, but slowly, I started believing it more and more. But I want to know, did you like me like that?” I hesitated for a minute. “Yeah… Yeah I did.” “Well, It was your birthday, and I wanted to do something with you since we barely hung out anymore, because of me and Justin. So we were somewhere, I really can’t remember where we were, but we were talking, and out of nowhere you kissed me. Justin saw, never talked to me again. I was heart broken, and it was because of you. So now, you deserve to be heart broken because of me.” I was shocked. I totally forgot about that. “I..I…I” I stuttered because I didn’t know what to say. “I..I didn’t mean it.. I’m sorry.” “Sorry isn’t going to fix it, now is it?” “It could..” “Tell me. If a plate falls on the ground and breaks, is sorry going to fix it?” “I guess not…” I feel super bad right now. We sit there in silence before I realize what the second reason was that I came here. “But that’s all behind us. Why can’t you let it go?” I try to say in the nicest way possible. “Because I loved him.” “You were like 13, and you haven’t even been dating him for a month.” I try to explain to her, that it wasn’t love she was feeling. She was sitting there in silence before she says “Well I guess it wasn’t love, but I’m not just going to let you go that easy. It doesn’t work that way. Justin never came back to me, and now you’re going to have to work to get Meghan’s trust back.” I put my hands on my face in frustration. “ Okay… What do I have to do?” “Who was that guy you were talking to outside of that house?” “That was Meghan’s brother, why?” She smiles. “I want a date with him. That’s where you come in.” She stands up and says, “So when he agrees to take me on a date, then give me a call. K?” Then she leaves. “You’ve got to be kidding me..” I say to myself. 

I get over the fact that I’m going to have to do this, but I would do anything, and I mean anything, to get Meghan back. She’s my everything. 

I walk straight to Meghan’s house after, so I could see if Caleb would do this for me. He better do this for me. I knock on the door two times, and after about 2 minutes the door opens to reveal a man that I have never seen before. He was covered in tattoos, and was smoking. When he took the cigarette out of his mouth, he blew the smoke right in my face and said “What do you want?” “I’m here to see Caleb.” I say coughing in between words. “He’s not here. He went out.” “Will he be back tomorrow?” “Maybe. I don’t know.” “Alright. Well then I’m going to go now I guess.” He doesn’t say anything, and just shuts the door. That was rude. Who was that anyways? I have no clue.    

I decide to come back here tomorrow. But for now, I need to go home.


When we got back to the apartment, I got a text from Dallas

Received: Hey, I just wanted to check on you. Are you alright?

I smiled at the text. It feels nice to have someone care about me this much. I mean Mikey cared about me this much, but it hasn’t felt that way ever since I came to New York. I texted back Dallas. 

Sent: Yeah, I think I’m alright.. But I go to the doctors tomorrow to get it checked out. Thank you for caring.

After I clicked send, I checked the time on my phone, and it was about 9 at night. I didn’t want to go to bed yet, and frankly, I wasn’t very tired. I turned on the TV in my room, and just laid in my bed, watched TV, and scrolled through twitter.  There wasn’t a lot going on to be honest. Mikey, and Madison weren’t tweeting as much. They usually tweet a lot. Does Mikey miss me so much, that he’s this depressed? And I know Madison is probably still depressed, I mean why wouldn’t he be. I felt my phone vibrate, and I looked at it, and it was Dallas again.

Received: Well that’s good, when’s your appointment?

Sent: At around 3:30 why?

Received: Would you like to go get some frozen yogurt after the appointment? I mean if you don’t want to, that’s okay, but it would be great if you said yes.

I laughed a little bit, when I read that. He sounded so nervous, I find that adorable. Stop it Shannon. I need to get these thoughts out of my head, because I love Mikey, and that’s that. 

Sent: You sound so nervous. Haha. I would love to get frozen yogurt with you after my appointment. I’ll text you tomorrow when I’m done at the doctor. Okay?

Received: That’d be great. Just text me tomorrow. Goodnight Shannon. (:

Sent: Goodnight Dallas. (:

I change into my pajamas, and turn the TV off. I climb under the covers, and try to fall asleep. I am really excited for tomorrow, I hope it comes fast.


Sad news:( The story ends soon:( And there will not be a sequal:( BUT  if one of you would like to creat a sequal for the story, i would gladly read it(: 

I'm not sure how many chapters are left, i'm just kind of winging it. but i love you all, and thank you for reading this terrible terrible story. It was my first one, and I can't believe this many people have read it. 

Please comment, vote, and inbox me, any of you feel free to message me, i would love to talk to you!(: 

Stay beautiful~♥

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