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1. video will kill the radio star

Valentino and Velvette sat down in their shared meeting room, as Vox paced the room.

Velvette scrolled on her phone, as Valentino watched Vox, amused at how much the Radio Demon drove him mad.

Vox, on the other hand, was trying to create a plan on how he could get more information about Alastor and the unknown girl.

"What's stopping you from just hypnotizing the girl, hm? I'm sure she's not so ancient that she doesn't have a phone." Velvette suggested, to which Vox shook his head.

"We don't know anything about her; she might be able to evade it somehow. I'm not willing to take that risk." He said, making the shorter girl shrug, and go back to scrolling.

Valentino took a large drag of his cigarette, and blew out the red smoke into the air. Vox sent him an annoyed glance, making the moth man sigh.

"We need an informant to go into that.. Hotel and see what they're up to. Someone that he'd never expect to be working for us." He said, making both Vox and Velvette look at him.

"Someone who is so pathetic that he'd never even consider them being sent by us." Velvette added on, as Vox thought to himself, getting a perfect idea of who would be optimal for that role.

Just then, he dialed a number, and waited for the person on the other line to pick up; the call being answered within the first ring.


"Hi! Vox speaking, as I'm sure you're aware. I have a job proposition for you." He said with a grin, as he heard an excited squeal on the phone.

"R-Really?! Is This an invitation to join the Vee's?" He said; his form made him have a slight lisp when it came to the letter 's'.

Vox chuckled, knowing that Sir Pentious would never truly get a chance to be a part of their group, with Valentino, Velvette, and himself being of such a higher status.

"This is a chance to prove yourself! Meet me and my colleagues at the VVV tower." He said, before ending the phone call, knowing the snake man was desperate enough to hurry and get to them as soon as possible.

Valentino and Velvette laughed at this.

"So desperate.. Does he actually believe he's good enough to join us?" Valentino said, while laughing even harder.

"As if I'd let that fashion wreck even be associated with me. Have you seen that God awful hat he adorns on his head? He should be thrown into shark infested water, like the fucking pirates who wore those shits." She said, as Valentino snickered.

Vox sat down across from Velvette, as he stayed silent.

He was thinking about how Alastor would feel once he'd realize Vox had been watching and listening to everything he'd been saying..

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