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2. nice try, old friend

Sir Pentious has now been in the hotel for a couple days.

Following Vox's orders, he waited for an opportunity to speak with the radio demon's assistant, but the chance never came.

Every time he saw her, she was either talking to someone else, or working on whatever Alastor made her do.

While staying at the hotel, Charlie had made him and the other guest, Angel Dust, do rehabilitation exercises, one being a rhyming game that the girl wasn't even present for.

Once he was finally left alone to his vices, he stalked the lobby to find the Girl he was looking for sitting alone at the bar, seemingly doing paperwork.

She sat with a pen at her lips, as she read over the papers in front of her.

"Still working I see?" he asked her, making the girl look up in surprise.

"Oh. Yes.. the paperwork never stops, it seems like." She said, attempting to make a joke, before looking back down at the pile in front of her.

Sir Pentious moved closer to her, and tried to get a glimpse at what the contents of the papers were, but she moved it away slightly.

"Sorry. Private business." She said, before Sir pentious choked out a small apology.

Just then, Vox came back into his camera room, to see that Sir Pentious was actually talking to the girl– was he actually getting information like he was instructed?

Maybe he wasn't so useless after all.

He quickly went to his seat, and carefully looked at the video footage of the girl.

He couldn't quite tell her age based on how she looked; he did notice her form was more human-like compared to other demons.

She had her (h/c) hair pushed back, as a few strands still adorned her face.

She also had what looked like fangs in her mouth, as well as semi long nails on her fingers.

If he had to guess.. She hadn't been in hell for too long. Definitely not before Alastor came into power.

As he studied her appearance, Sir Pentious sat down at the bar next to her.

"I haven't really gotten a chance to get to know you.. You're never part of the exercises Charlie plans."

"I see no need to, as long as everything is under control." She said, not looking up from the pile.

Sir Pentious nodded, before trying to get her to open up to him more; he could feel from the wave of anxiety that washed over him that someone was now watching him.

"So..! How old are you?"

".. I died at 27.. As for how many years I've been down here, I've lost count by now." She said, to Vox's surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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