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Michael was visibly confused and expressed his doubts, "I don't get it, if the Russians wanted control of Warsaw, wouldn't they just take it? I mean, they didn't have to fuse with Belarus in the process."

Kaleb took a deep breath and began to explain, "It's not that easy, Michael. Even if they did want to take Warsaw and didn't fuse with Belarus and they were successful, Poland wouldn't be connected to the rest of Russia, which defeats the whole purpose of capturing Poland. The Russians' prime objective was to connect Kaliningrad, a Russian exclave, to the mainland. Taking over Poland was a means to an end."

Thomas, who was still struggling to understand, chimed in, "But couldn't they have just attacked the Baltic countries instead?"

Kaleb replied, "That would not have been a viable option since the Baltic countries are all part of NATO, and any attack on them would have triggered the collective defense clause. Poland, on the other hand, just left NATO, due to political reasons, and their only real ally would be Germany."

Karl, who had been listening in, interjected confidently, "But I mean if these communists wanted to connect Kaliningrad to mainland Russia, they would just like, connect it?"

Annoyed by Karl's comment, Thomas snapped, "Karl, shut up."

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