The Brave-Bots (Pt. 1)

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Here's another new story, in Script Format because I find it easier to do then Book Format, besides this is a fanfic not a novel. Enjoy.

Out in the coastal of Crown City, Michigan. The year was 2030, it was spring, people were bustling about as Spring Break was nearing.

 The year was 2030, it was spring, people were bustling about as Spring Break was nearing

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At a public college, the bell rang out signaling for students that class was over. And Spring Break had begun, students swarmed out of the classrooms before the teachers could say anything.

Teacher: Everyone! Remember to do the assignment! A five page essay on what you'll do over the break!

The teacher sighed in annoyance as her words are ignored by the teens and young adults. However, she smiles when a young teen with black hair and eyes rolls up to her desk in a unique looking wheelchair.

 However, she smiles when a young teen with black hair and eyes rolls up to her desk in a unique looking wheelchair

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His wheelchair was something from a sci-fi series. The wheels were more predominately slanted and the seat itself was equipped with a lot of advanced technology.

 The wheels were more predominately slanted and the seat itself was equipped with a lot of advanced technology

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Teacher: Ah, Chip, do you have something you want to ask?

Chip nodded handing in a five page essay.

Chip: Not really, just wanted to hand this in.

The teacher looked over the essay 

Teacher: The same essay as always?

Chip: Heh, you know me, I don't exactly plan to go anywhere big on account of... 

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