On a planet known as Cybertronians, beings known as Cybertronians, Intelligent robots that could think and feel inhabited the cities. Split into two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons. And a war between the forces of Good and Evil raged acro...
Here's the next part, thx to ECHO-173 for his help, enjoy.
Out in the deserts of Nevada, there was an old missile silo built into one of the tall rocky mountains. Equipped with many further than state of the art technology.
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Seemingly parked on an open runway, was a massive spaceship known by all Cybertronians as the Steelhaven used by the Cybertron Elite Guard to travel.
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The Steelhaven had a fair amount of dings and dents along the roof on the top. On the top, fixing said dents and dings was; Arcee,
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