Build Team's First Day

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Here's the next chapter ECHO-173, enjoy.

The Decepticon warship, the Nemesis, was in the sky as always looming over the planet only for the ship to stop moving. In a hangar bay, a stack of crates and containers fell over, landing on Steve as he walked by, Soundwave was passing by and helped them up.

Steve: Ow... what was that?

Soundwave: Analysis, ship's reactor is malfunctioning. Needs repairs.

Deeper in the ship, Knockout and Breakdown were looking at the said reactor, pieces of it scattered with Megatron watching from the entrance.

Knockout: Well Lord Megatron we have good news and bad news. The good news is we have found the issue with the reactor malfunction.

Megatron: And the bad?

Breakdown: It seems like it is overloaded from the energy Serge from our honored guest. The repairs will take time, effort, and resources that we don't have.

Megatron: Like what?

Breakdown: Well, the parts are too confusing to repair, we'll need a team to fix it and trust me, they have to have skill.

Megatron: Well either find them or fix it yourself, because I am giving you until the end of the day to give me better results than this!

Megatronus: (sarcastic) Yes, threatening someone with death is always a good move.

Megatron looks to see Megatronus resting on a pile of empty energon cubes.

Megatron: If you had a subordinate like this, you would threaten them too, to keep them in line and remind them who I am.

Megatronus: A slave that took my name. But the brawler is right, a reactor needs a team of experts and by the looks of it, they died a long time ago and by your hand I bet.

Knockout: He's not wrong.

Megatron just looked at Knockout that hid behind the reactor and started to act like they were working while not showing he was afraid and failing badly at that.

Megatronus: And besides, it isn't like expert builders are just going to spawn from nowhere... Unless you're Solus... Or someone trained by Solus.

Meanwhile on Earth, Chip was remotely controlling hundreds of robotic arms with a Nintendo GameCube controller with expert precision, Simon was with him, asking for a turn but Chip kept telling them not yet. The mechanical arms were moving around three vehicles of construction equipment. Meanwhile, Deckard, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack were painting the outside of the police station.

Bumblebee: It's like every time we see this kid he's doing something even Cybertronians find impressive.

Deckard: You should've seen him yesterday, using some lessons Solus Prime taught him, he built an Arc Reactor from Cardboard, 3-in-1 Shampoo Bottles, and Rubber Bands!

Whirl: How the hell?

Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack looked around when he heard Whirl's voice but he couldn't see Whirl anywhere.

Bumblebee: Whirl? Where are you?

Wheeljack: It finally happened, he broke me mentally and now I can hear his voice when he isn't here.

Bulkhead: No, we heard him too.

Deckard then took out a card from his holder. Revealing Whirl locked away in a card.

Deckard: I had forgotten he was in there.

Bulkhead: What he do to-.... Actually, don't tell me.

Chip: (not looking) All he did yesterday was destroy three fields of private property and harm an endangered bird.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2024 ⏰

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