Brave Up! J-Deckerd!

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Here's the next chapter, and for anyone curious, you can watch The Brave Police J Decker on Youtube, best source is Gun's Brave Storage. There is no English Dub so you'll have to watch English Subbed. Enjoy.

Out in Canada in a state named Airmania, where new aerial defenses were being developed, in response to the Brave-Bots being unveiled in America.

A man suddenly walked into the main control room of the building, he wasn't dressed like any of the workers there so he was already majority suspicious

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A man suddenly walked into the main control room of the building, he wasn't dressed like any of the workers there so he was already majority suspicious. A huge man with fair skin and his eyes coerced by the lid of his uniform cap. He is fashioned in a green uniform, white gloves with magic circles on the backs of the hands, and green blue overcoat.

 He is fashioned in a green uniform, white gloves with magic circles on the backs of the hands, and green blue overcoat

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The man spread out his coat and began making handsigns.

The man spread out his coat and began making handsigns

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???: Rin... Pyou... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... ... ... ... ... ...

The man stands there in silence before repeating himself.

???: Rin... Pyou... Tou... Sha... Kai... Jin... ... ... ... ... ...

The man then began sweating profusely, before he put his arms back under his coat and stepped backwards, letting the door shut behind him.

???: Again!

The door slid shut and the workers were left baffled and perplexed as to... Whatever the hell that was... Outside, the man was muttering to himself, wiping his forehead with his glove, .

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