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Morgana felt herself floating inside the darkness, all she remembered was that pesky Bennett witch using her magic to lock her away because of course those witches think a species that isn't witches is an abomination to nature, she has been alive for six thousand years she has been here longer than some dumbass witches.

She needs a dumb Bennett witch to release her out of the Shadow realm.

What maybe she can trick one into doing the spell 

"Okay let's see I spy with my little eye a Bonnie Bennett"

"Trick this bird to do my will"


Morgana whispered into Bonnie in an impersonation of her Gram voice 

"Omg, Elena I think I heard Gram's voice in my ear."

"Bonnie she could be sending you a witchy message maybe."

"Bonnie get the book that is hidden in the tomb."

"Awaken Morgana she will help you."

"Elena I think there is a book in the tomb," said Bonnie in shock 

"What how did we not see it before whatever let's go," said Elena while standing up and walking towards the door "Let's go see if there really a book in there."

The Enchantress ° Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now