Chapter 1

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Morgana armor(By the way I got the inspiration from Morgana from Troll Hunters so yeah because this armor is amazingly looking and I love it so if you don't like it deal with it there's my book, not your book)

Morgana armor(By the way I got the inspiration from Morgana from Troll Hunters so yeah because this armor is amazingly looking and I love it so if you don't like it deal with it there's my book, not your book)

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"Damon, me, and Elena found a book inside the tomb I think this might be to stop the sacrificial from happening we will see you at your house."

"Okay, bonbon this better work," said Damon over the phone 

Damon hurriedly opened the door and greeted the two girls "Okay Bonbon what did you want to show me and Stefan" 

"Look I may have found our solution to stop Klaus from killing Elena" She puts the book on the table 

"Okay wow you have a book I'm impressed," Damon said sarcastically while crossing his arms,    " But seriously how is a book supposed to stop Klaus, are you going to whack it on his head"

"Damon let Bonie explain" huffed Elena already annoyed at Damon" Thanks Elena so it says in the book there was a superpowerful person named Morgana Faya, but she was locked away by another witch  who is unknown inside a place called the shadow realm," Bonnie said with confidence this would work

"So how is this information supposed to stop Klaus Bonnie?" questioned Stefan unsure if this would work," Because Stefan if we use Morgana to kill Klaus, Elena lives," said Bonnie

"Well I'm in," said Damon 

"Okay it says here to release Morgana from the shadow realm i have to say these words," said Bonnie looking at everyone " Everyone ready" They nodded " Okay Travel through the shadow door and walk once more!" yelled Bonnie, suddenly a dark figure wearing Golden armor emerges from the ground.

"Finally I'-m fr-ee" Morgana explains while coughing, "Well hello you must be Bonnie Bennett " Pointing at her, "and the doppelganger and the two brothers, My name is Morgana Faya" 

"It worked" huffs Bonnie 

"Of course it did I'm standing right here witchy," Morgana says while looking at her nails"Now let me get a good look at the doppelganger" While walking toward Elena, Damon steps in front of her protectively, " Calm down Boy Toy Number 2"

"Not the most interesting-looking little thing, I don't know why people fall in love with doppelgangers they are average unlike me I had thousands of men at my feet," she said while looking at Stefan up and down" You are quite the beauty I see why Kathrina chose you first"  

"Now what do you want"

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