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"What happened to you Asad, why are you behaving so rudely with me? Did something happen? Did I make a mistake? If yes, please tell me. I'll apologize, I'll make it up to you. But please, at least communicate with me, tell me what went wrong. " Meher desperately cried out to her husband.

Asad just looked at her coldly, seeing that, Meher scrambled forward grabbing his hands but he pushed her away.

"Fine, if you are dying to know the reason, I'll tell you. I absolutely abhor you. I didn't even want to marry you.

Have you ever looked at your face, would a sane man ever like someone who's as ugly as you. And your body, ughh, thinking about it makes me want to puke, I've been with women who look a thousand times better than you.

I had to settle for you, because of my parents. Nagging me every day to get married, I was so damn tired of all of that. " He yelled at her.

Meher looked at him in disbelief, tears rolling down her face,

"That was the only reason you married me? Then why were you so good to me? Why did you treat me well? You married me, that must have been the end of your parents pressure, what was the need to treat me like a real wife"

"Oh! That's because they also pressured me for grandchildren. If you had gotten pregnant the first time I slept with you, I wouldn't have needed to look at your vomit-inducing body again. But when you didn't even get pregnant after 5 whole months, I thought you were infertile..

Welp, now we know you're not. There's a maid who will cook and clean, you don't need to do any housework. Give birth to the child, and we both can go on our merry ways."

The way he uttered those heart-shattering words with such utter nonchalance made Meher question how she couldn't see his true self in the past months.

Was he that good of an actor, or was she that much of an idiot.

"Do you think I'll do whatever you tell me to do? What will you tell your Mommy and Daddy when I'll have an abortion and divorce you, huh? " She questioned, so angry that she spouted whatever came in her mouth.

"Meher, even though you don't know me even a bit, I know you well enough to know, you can't abort that baby. You won't do that. "

And Meher hated that he was right, she couldn't have an abortion, the baby was inside her, she would be able to feel it in a few months, it's her child, she couldn't bear to do that.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even hear him leaving.

She couldn't even cry anymore, Meher became completely numb.

The logical thing to do here would be to divorce him, her younger self wouldn't have even had a second thought about that. But now that she's older and then she thinks about her parents, she knows she couldn't do that.

She became the biggest disappointment to herself that day.

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