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The car ride back was extremely silent, Asad looked aghast but Meher didn't really give a damn about his feelings, she couldn't even understand hers.

On the way to her room, she saw the decorated door of the nursery that she painted herself and stared at it transfixed, she would have kept staring at it all day if Asad hadn't disturbed her.


Meher was sitting on the bed, caressing her stomach with a forlorn look on her face when Asad came in.

"You haven't eaten anything since you woke up, why don't you try to eat something. "

Meher did nothing other than stare at him, Asad placed the tray of food on the bed but Meher kicked it on the floor.

"What the hell Meher, I know you are sad, but you are not the only one who is suffering, it was my child too but you don't see me throwing tantrums. Please behave normally this is all very emotionally draining for me. "

If it was the Meher before she lost her baby, she would've listened to him silently, bearing it. But Meher didn't have the patience anymore.

"What the fuck, you daft bitch. How dare you try to tell me that you are the one suffering. Don't call my baby 'it'. She has a name, and that name is Noor.

Well how could you know that, you didn't care about her when I was pregnant, but now that she's dead all of your fatherly feelings suddenly emerged right.

You have the fucking audacity to say that you have been emotionally drained, I'm warning you Asad if I see your face or hear your voice one more time I will kill you with my own two hands and you'll not be able to stop me. " shouting so Meher started throwing whatever she could get her hands on towards him, pillows, jug, glass, lamp, remote and in the end Asad had to leave the room when the lamp hit him on his forehead.

Upon seeing him leave, Meher started crying.


Meher's sleep was disrupted when someone woke her up, it was her parents, they were back.

She threw herself into her mother's arms crying, "Mumma I can't live here anymore, please take me, I want a divorce, please, I hate him. "

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