I admit it : I love her

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I woke up with a pounding headache, the kind that feels like a jackhammer drilling into your skull. As I stumbled into the dining room, I was greeted by a chorus of strange stares from my friends. "What?" I grumbled, rubbing my temples.

"Do you... remember what you said last night?" Taehyung asked, his expression a mix of amusement and concern. I blinked, trying to recall the events of the previous evening. "No... why?" I muttered, feeling a sinking sense of dread in the pit of my stomach.

They exchanged knowing glances, and Taehyung leaned in closer. "So... you don't remember saying... 'I love... her?'" he prodded, his voice laced with mischief.

My eyes widened in horror as the memories flooded back. "Love her...?" I repeated, my voice cracking with panic. I leaped up from my seat, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. "Y-yah!" I stammered, my heart racing. "I-I was d-drunk!" I stuttered, desperately trying to backtrack.

But it was too late. The cat was out of the bag, and there was no stuffing it back in. I had confessed to liking Y/N, and now I was about to face the consequences.

And so, the interrogation began. Namjoon and Jin hyung took their places in front of me, wearing matching expressions of mock seriousness.

"So..." Namjoon hyung began, his tone ominous. "Let me play bad cop, and you'll be the good cop," Jin hyung declared, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I was the good cop last time," Namjoon hyung protested, but Jin hyung silenced him with a sharp glare. "Shut up," he snapped, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Wow, you two fight like a couple," Yoongi hyung remarked, unable to resist poking fun at the dynamic duo. But before he could finish, Jin hyung interrupted with an exaggerated "Shhshshshshshshshs!" that sent a spray of saliva flying in Yoongi hyung's direction.

"Seriously, hyung?!" Yoongi hyung exclaimed, wiping his face in disgust.

"When did you start liking her?" Hobi hyung asked, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. But before I could even attempt to formulate a response, Namjoon hyung jumped in with another question.

"Hey! I was asking the quest—." Namjoon hyung began, but he was swiftly cut off by Jungkook, who had a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Is this why you've been trying to look like a bootleg version of Prince Eric?" Jungkook asked, his tone mockingly serious. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I realized just how obvious my attempts at impressing Y/N had been.

"You've lost weight," Jin hyung observed, scratching his chin thoughtfully. "And you don't have a beard," Yoongi hyung reminded him, of the lack of facial hair on his face.

But before I could even respond, Jin hyung unleashed another torrent of spit rain in Yoongi hyung's direction, prompting a chorus of groans and protests from everyone at the table.

"Remind me to carry an umbrella next time..." Yoongi hyung muttered, grimacing as he wiped his face clean.

"Like I was saying, before I was interrupted—." Namjoon hyung attempted to regain control of the conversation, but he was quickly drowned out by Taehyung's barrage of questions.

"Is this why you were so awkward with her?" Taehyung asked, leaning forward eagerly. "Is this why you wanted to be friends with her?" Hobi hyung chimed in, his expression one of dawning realization.

"WILL YOU LET ME TAL—." Namjoon hyung tried to protest, but he was once again shushed by the enthusiastic exclamations of my friends.

"This makes so much sense! You liked her, that's why you wanted her attention so bad!" Taehyung declared, looking positively thrilled with himself for piecing together the puzzle of my romantic feelings.

"Guys...I admit it..." I murmured weakly, feeling utterly defeated as I rested my head on the table, hoping that the ground would just swallow me whole at this point.

"I love her," I mumbled, my voice barely audible above the excited squeals and cheers of my friends. And as they erupted into a cacophony of laughter and teasing, I couldn't help but wonder how I had gotten myself into this mess in the first place.

"But wait..." Hobi hyung paused, his voice cutting through the laughter and chatter like a knife. Everyone quieted down, their attention turning back to me as Hobi hyung continued his interrogation.

"But how did you fall for her?" he asked, his gaze searching mine for answers. I hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words to express the inexplicable feelings that had taken root in my heart.

"I don't know..I just did," I finally admitted, shrugging helplessly. "Does love need to have a reason?"

"Since when did you get so smart, hyung~?" Jungkook teased, a playful glint in his eye. I couldn't help but chuckle at his remark, feeling a sense of relief wash over me in the midst of the teasing and banter.

"Just did..it's Y/N's effect," I replied, a fond smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

And as I spoke those words, I couldn't help but wonder – did she even like me back?
It was a question that had been haunting me ever since I had drunkenly confessed my feelings for Y/N the night before.

Despite the playful banter and teasing from my friends, I couldn't shake the gnawing uncertainty that gnawed at my insides. Sure, I had fallen for Y/N, captivated by her laughter, her kindness, her unwavering strength in the face of adversity. But did she feel the same way about me?

The thought sent a shiver down my spine, a wave of apprehension washing over me like a cold shower. What if my feelings were one-sided? What if my confession had only served to drive a wedge between us, pushing Y/N further away instead of bringing us closer together?

Only time will tell..



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