Prologue Accedent

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Freddie Benson stepped out of the Groovy Smoothie, the vibrant red of his strawberry smoothie matching the blush on his cheeks. He took a sip, savoring the sweetness as he glanced around, the world moving fast around him. Suddenly, a bike whooshed past, causing Freddie to stumble, his drink spilling onto the pavement. Before he could even process what happened, a tall, menacing man loomed over him, his rugged appearance striking fear into Freddie's heart.
"Excuse you," Freddie managed to mutter as the stranger glared down at him. The man's face was tough and weathered, a prominent wart on his nose adding to his intimidating presence. Dressed in leather and sporting a bandana, he exuded danger.
"What'd you say, punk?" the man growled, seizing Freddie by the collar and lifting him up threateningly. Panicked thoughts raced through Freddie's mind as he braced for a blow, but instead, he was roughly pushed into the street. As he hit the ground hard, pain shot through his body, rendering him paralyzed with fear.
Before a passing car could end his young life, a mysterious figure in black swooped in, whisking Freddie to safety with an almost supernatural speed. Dazed and bewildered, Freddie lay on the roadside, unknowingly emitting a strange energy that intrigued the hooded rescuer.
"He has a power about him," the figure mused, finding Freddie to be more than just a victim, Could he be the ally they were seeking?
Without warning, the hooded figure bit into Freddie's neck, drawing a gasp of surprise from a newcomer—a fierce young woman who swiftly confronted the mysterious attacker.
"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded, her eyes ablaze with intensity.
The man feigned innocence, refusing to divulge his intentions, prompting a tense standoff. As the woman's gaze shifted back to Freddie, a glint of recognition sparked in her eyes as she noticed a matching woven bracelet adorning her wrist and Freddie's.
Curiosity piqued, she examined a bite mark on his neck, a wave of helplessness washing over her. "Oh no." She muttered, realizing what that meant.
"I'll take care of you, Freddie Benson," she vowed, her voice a mix of determination and concern. She took him home and laid him in his bed. She made his overprotective mother fall asleep. "I'll be back in three days." She promised.

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