Chapter 1 Uhm what

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Rays of sunlight streamed through the dusty blinds, painting golden streaks across the hardwood floor of Carly's apartment. It had been nearly three days since the mysterious accident that had left me with more questions than answers. As I gingerly rubbed the bandage on my neck, trying to soothe the strange bite mark beneath it, my mind couldn't help but wander to the odd woven bracelet that now refused to leave my wrist.
Lost in my thoughts, I found myself watching Spencer, the eccentric artist and builder of unconventional creations, as he meticulously constructed a rocket ship out of empty soda cans. Suddenly, the door flew open with a loud bang, making Spencer jump in surprise. It was Sam, the fierce and funny troublemaker of our group.
"AUGH!" Spencer exclaimed as his soda can tower tumbled down.
"I've got it!" Sam announced proudly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Curious, I turned to her. "Got what?"
"An idea for iCarly," she declared with a mischievous grin.
As Carly, the creative mastermind behind our web show, joined us in the living room, Sam reached into the fridge and pulled out a ham. "It's called 'Agent Bob: The Worst Spy.' Hilarious stuff," she explained, waving the ham around for emphasis.
Carly, always the voice of reason and creativity, furrowed her brow in thought. "I was thinking we could do 'The Case of the Missing Socks' instead. Picture this: Detective Sherlock Sock Holmes, Dr. Heelson, and Mrs. Sockinson. Now that's comedy gold."
Sam shrugged nonchalantly. "I still like my idea better."
As the night sky darkened,  Sam and Carly were immersed in a heated debate about which was funnier. Their voices escalated, bouncing off the walls of Spencer's living room, where we were gathered for a casual hangout. Amid their banter, I couldn't shake the strange sensation gnawing at my gut.
"Freddie, what do you think?" Sam redirected the conversation towards me.
"I-" Before I could get my words out, a sudden wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. Panicked, I dashed to the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. What was happening to me?
Staring into the bathroom mirror, my reflection appeared ghostly pale. A knock interrupted my thoughts. "Freddie?" Spencer's voice called from outside. "You okay in there?"
Feeling overwhelmed, I muttered, "I need to go home." Spencer's concerned expression quickly morphed into a shrug. "Alright, let's get you home then." Guiding me out of the bathroom, he pushed me towards the door.
"I'm leaving," I announced to Sam and Carly, who both looked puzzled but didn't press for an explanation. With a heavy heart, I trudged back to my apartment, praying my mom wouldn't catch me sneaking in.
Taking refuge in my room, I collapsed onto my bed, trying to make sense of the chaotic evening. Suddenly, a loud crash shattered the silence as a figure smashed through my window, sending glass shards flying in all directions. "What the heck?!" I exclaimed, my heart racing.
The figure stood up, dusting off fragments of glass, and pulled down her hood to reveal a striking appearance. She had curly blonde hair peeking from under a beanie, captivating blue eyes, and an immense stature that towered over me. But what caught me off guard were the massive wings unfurled from her back — wings that seemed utterly impossible.
With a friendly wave, she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cassie." Instead of reciprocating the greeting, I bombarded her with questions, unable to comprehend the surreal sight before me. "Who are you? What are you doing here? And why do you have wings?"
In a calm tone, Cassie explained, "I saved your life after you were hit by a car. I'm a dragon hybrid, and you're going to become one too tomorrow." I scoffed, convinced it was a ludicrous joke. "Nice try, but tell me the truth."
Unfazed by my skepticism, Cassie revealed her true form. She spread her wings, displayed horns on her head, razor-sharp teeth, and claws instead of fingernails. A tail emerged from her pants. Her eyes were cat-like and emerald green. As she transformed before my eyes, a myriad of fantastical features emerged, leaving me dumbfounded.
"This can't be real," I muttered, struggling to accept the impossible reality unfolding in front of me. But Cassie's piercing gaze and undeniable proof left me with no choice but to believe. As she pointed out the identical bracelet we both wore, my mind raced with a mix of fear and curiosity at the mysterious destiny that awaited me.

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