Chapter 3 Oh boy

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I hesitated for only a moment before deciding to check on Freddie myself. His voice had sounded so frail, so unlike him. The others in the room exchanged worried glances as I made my way to the bathroom. Glass shards from the shattered mirror had been cleaned up, but the tension lingered in the air.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper as I knocked on the door. Freddie's response was barely audible, a fragile "No." Still, I felt compelled to offer him some comfort. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door to find Freddie huddled in the corner, his transformation undeniable.
His frame now seemed larger, more imposing. As if that were even possible. His wings and tail fully emerged. Pieces of his shredded leather jacket lay scattered around him, and I couldn't help but notice that his shirt was nowhere to be seen. Focus Cassandra I chide myself.
Gathering my thoughts, I knelt beside him, my mind racing with a mix of fear and compassion. "I think it's time for you to go home," I said softly, trying to hide my own unease. As Freddie rose to his feet, I realized he now stood a full foot taller than me, a stark reminder of his altered state.
Hurrying back to the living room, I grabbed the fluffiest blanket I could find, hoping it would provide some semblance of comfort. Returning to Freddie, I handed him the blanket, watching as he draped it over himself, trying to conceal his changed appearance as best he could.
Returning to the group, I explained that Freddie needed to go home. Their expressions reflected a mix of concern and confusion, but they trusted my judgment. As we gathered our things to leave, I cast one last glance back at Freddie, his silhouette softened by the blanket he clutched tightly around him. The night had taken an unexpected turn, but our bond remained unbroken, stronger than ever in the face of uncertainty.

Freddie sat in his bed, trembling and curled up in the blanket we had "borrowed." I had carefully selected and tailor-made a new pair of clothes for him, taking into account his unusual physicality. With a needle and thread, I patiently sewed buttons on the back of the shirt so that it could accommodate his magnificent wings.
"Cassie?" Freddie's voice was hoarse as he spoke. "I think I can breathe fire..." he muttered, his tone a mix of awe and disbelief.
Suppressing a chuckle, I explained, "Females can breathe fire, Freddie. But guys like you have a unique ability - you have acid in your mouth that allows you to spit flames or set things ablaze with your spit."
"Great, so I spit flames. Just what I needed," Freddie grumbled, his brows furrowed in frustration.
Ignoring his grumbling, I rose from the bed and gestured for him to follow me. He hesitated for a moment before reluctantly complying with my silent request. Leading him to the balcony outside his room, I leaped off the edge without hesitation.
"Cassie?! Are you crazy?!" Freddie's startled voice echoed behind me, filled with disbelief at my seemingly reckless behavior.
As I gracefully spread my wings and ascended into the sky, the rush of wind against my face filled me with a sense of freedom and exhilaration. Soaring above the fluffy white clouds, I felt as though nothing could bind or restrict me.
Returning to Freddie's side, I grinned mischievously and called out, "Your turn!"
His face drained of color as he processed my challenge. "My turn?!"
Encouragingly, I instructed, "Close your eyes and breathe."
With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Freddie dutifully shut his eyes. Seizing the moment, I playfully nudged him off the balcony. His startled scream was quickly drowned out by my laughter as I leaped after him, plunging into the open air.
"Spread your wings!" I urged him, my voice filled with enthusiasm.
Driven by sheer instinct, Freddie obeyed, allowing his wings to unfurl and catch the air. As he rose upwards, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, a radiant smile graced his lips, mirroring the newfound joy and freedom he had discovered in flight. As I soar through the clouds, the rush of wind against my red dragon wings is exhilarating. The feeling of weightlessness and freedom is indescribable. I can feel the power of my wings propelling me through the sky, with every beat bringing me higher and higher. My red scales shimmer in the sunlight, reflecting the colors of the world below.
Beside me, Freddie gracefully glides with his black wings, his black scales glistening in the light. His blue cat-like eyes meet mine, a silent communication passing between us as we navigate the vast expanse of the sky together. His presence is comforting, a reminder that I am not alone in this endless blue canvas.
Together, we dance through the air, a symphony of dragon hybrids exploring the limitless skies with a sense of wonder and awe. "Isn't this amazing?!!!" I called out. The sky was painted in hues of purple and orange as the sun began its descent. Freddie's eyes held a mix of curiosity and apprehension, reflecting the internal battle he was about to face.

As I gazed at Freddie, a smile played on his lips, revealing sharp, intimidating teeth. I reciprocated with a smile of my own, masking the unease I felt deep inside. The air around us felt light, almost like cotton candy, as we prepared for what was about to unfold.
I signalled to Freddie, a silent understanding passing between us, and we soared through the clouds, embracing the freedom of the skies. Feeling the wind rush past us, I knew that our time in the sky was drawing to a close, and a sense of urgency crept in.
Returning to the safety of Freddie's apartment balcony, we landed gracefully. His muscles rippled with vitality, a stark contrast to the impending revelation I was about to disclose. Taking a deep breath, I extended my limbs, prompting Freddie to do the same, explaining that it aided in the transition that was about to take place.
Confusion clouded Freddie's features as he questioned the nature of this transition. With a tinge of anxiety, I urged him to brace himself and began unraveling the truth. Seating ourselves, I spoke of our hybrid nature, of the dual personas that resided within us.
"At nightfall, a different side of us emerges, a side consumed by recklessness and primal instincts," I disclosed, observing Freddie's reaction intently. "While we are currently in control of our more human-like traits, a transformation awaits us with the setting of the sun."
I hesitated, dreading the admission of the existence of my alter ego, Burn, who thrived on chaos and the thrill of the hunt. Freddie absorbed this revelation in silence, his expression betraying a mix of disbelief and acceptance.
"What about mine?" Freddie inquired, his voice laced with uncertainty. I shrugged, emphasizing the uniqueness of each hybrid's secondary persona, which mirrored their deepest desires and fears.
As the last traces of daylight vanished, Freddie's question lingered in the air, "When does this happen?" With a glance at my watch, I whispered, "Any minute now," the gravity of the impending transformation settling upon us like a shroud of impending darkness.
In that moment of transition, amidst the ebb and flow of dusk, Freddie would come face to face with his other self, a force that mirrored his very essence. With heightened creativity and a touch of suspense, our fates intertwined in the delicate balance between humanity and primal instincts, awaiting the emergence of our primal selves under the veil of the night.

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