Chapter four Unleash the Storm

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As I found myself in the mysterious boy's room, a girl with a striking appearance introduced herself as Burn. Her blonde hair with red streaks and red dragon-like scales made her quite the spectacle. With a nonchalant attitude, she pointed out, "Are you done snooping around or are you planning on making yourself at home for the long haul?" Her bluntness caught me off guard, but I decided to play along and responded, "I'm Storm. meet you."
She wasted no time in ushering me outside. A storm was brewing in the distance, hinting at the chaos that was about to unfold. Burn confidently laid out her plan, "We hunt first, then we have some fun. Follow my lead." Her mischievous demeanor both intrigued and frightened me as a bolt of lightning struck the air, illuminating the scene with an electrifying energy.
To my surprise, the lightning didn't harm me but instead coursed through my veins, granting me a newfound power over electricity. Testing out my newfound ability, I zapped a nearby lamppost, watching as it sparked to life. Burn's approval was evident as she absorbed the flames from the post, revealing her own affinity for fire.
As we stood amidst the crackling energy, Burn proposed our first target, asking, "What do you feel like devouring today? Animals or perhaps some savory humans?" Her nonchalant outlook on consuming people made me raise an eyebrow, but a wicked grin crept upon my face as I replied, "Let's go for the juicy targets. People it is."
With a newfound sense of excitement and power coursing through us, we set off on our hunt, ready to unleash havoc on the unsuspecting world. The prospect of embracing our dragon natures and causing mayhem filled me with a rush of adrenaline. As my alliance with Burn solidified, I knew that this partnership would either make us legends or bring about our downfall. But either way, it was going to be one wild ride. 


I woke up in a daze, my mind fuzzy and my body heavy with guilt and confusion. The events of last night crashed over me like a raging storm, and I couldn't help but groan. Cassie was right. We were reckless, dangerous even. But the hunger, the insatiable hunger that gnawed at me from deep within, it always won in the end.
My stomach churned, uncomfortably full and content at the same time. The metallic taste lingered on my tongue, a bitter reminder of what I had done. I shook my head in disbelief. Humans. We had feasted on humans. A shiver ran down my spine as I grappled with the reality of what I had become.
"Cassie," I whispered, my voice hoarse with guilt. "Did we just... burn down the school and eat the janitor?" The words hung heavy in the air, suffocating us both. She simply nodded, her eyes reflecting the same sorrow and regret that I felt deep in my core.
I pushed myself off the ground, my head swimming with a thousand questions and a single damning truth. Why me? Why us? Were we cursed with this insatiable hunger, this monstrous fate that we could never escape?
A sudden knock at the door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Who's there?" I called out, my heart pounding in my chest. The voice on the other side was familiar, a friend from a time when things were simpler.
"It's Carly. Can I come in?" her voice was hesitant, unsure. My mind raced as I scrambled to conceal the truth of what I had become. I hurriedly adorned sunglasses, a hat, gloves, and even a blanket, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't see through my facade.
Cassie darted to another room as Carly entered, her gaze flickering over me with suspicion. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. I mustered a weak smile, my voice cracking with uncertainty. "Sure, just tired."
Carly tilted her head, studying me intently. "Did you... grow again?" Her question hung in the air, a stark reminder of the beast that lurked within me. "Uh, yeah, just a growth spurt or something," I stammered, my nerves fraying at the edges.
Carly shifted the conversation seamlessly, mentioning something about iCarly and whether I was up for it. I hesitated, my mind screaming at me to decline, to protect her from the monster I had become. But the words tumbled out before I could stop them. "Sure, give me 20 minutes."
As Carly left, leaving me alone with my turmoil, Cassie burst into the room, her eyes wide with shock. "Why did you agree to that?" she demanded, her voice tinged with fear. I could only stare back, my heart heavy with the weight of my secret, and the knowledge that things could never be the same again. I shrugged. "I dunno. It just kind of came out." I said. She sighed. She threw off the blanket. My wings twitch involuntarily. She gestures to them. "How would we be able to hide those???" She asked, eyeing me. I shrugged, "Maybe we can shove them into a jacket or something." I said. She rolled her eyes. After pushing and shoving my wings into places that they were not meant to go, we were ready. Cassie rubbed makeup all over us so that you couldn't see the scales. It was a bit bumpy there, but you would have to have looked really closely to notice anything. "Alright. Let's head out." Said Cassie. I nodded and pulled the door open. I stepped outside banging my head on the door. I rubbed it. I would never get used to being 7'7. I opened Carly's door and stepped inside. Sam walked up to me. "Are you going to tell us what's wrong with you?" She asked. I glared at her. "I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. She rolled her eyes. "Please Freddie, anyone who gets 'sick' and shows up the next day 2 feet taller and huge, then acts strange means something is clearly wrong." A growl rumbled in my throat but I pushed it down. "Why would you care?" I shot. She looked hurt. "We're your friends." She stated. I nodded but didn't say anything else. Breaking the awkward silence Carly said, "Lets go do iCarly." I nodded again. I sighed, let's get this over with.   

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