Chapter 2 iCarly

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We stepped inside of Carly's apartment, the air heavy with tension and an underlying sense of uneasiness that seemed to cling to the walls. Cassie gripped my arm tightly, her fingers digging into my skin almost painfully. I thought she was using me as an anchor to ground herself, but as Carly approached, I realized Cassie was holding me back as if she sensed the storm brewing inside me. Every fiber of my being was on edge, a primal instinct urging me to attack, but I fought against it, willing myself to stay calm.
A delightful fragrance filled the air as Sam and Spencer entered the room, their concerned faces mirroring the worry in Carly's eyes. "We were worried about you," Carly said, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Why haven't you responded to my texts?" Sam questioned, her arms crossed in a defensive stance. Then, as if on cue, they all noticed Cassie standing beside me.
"Who's the girl?" they all exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes flickering between Cassie and me. Without missing a beat, I took the lead in explaining, weaving a story about Cassie being an old family friend who had recently moved back to town and into her previous apartment. The words flowed effortlessly from my lips, each fabricated detail adding another layer to the facade we were building.
"Is she your girlfriend?" Sam's interrogation cut through the awkward silence that followed my explanation. I could feel my cheeks burning with heat as all eyes turned expectantly toward us. I glanced at Cassie, a silent plea for help, and found her looking back at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Y-yep," I stammered, not entirely convincingly. Sam raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Kiss then, if you're dating," she challenged a smirk playing at the corner of her lips. The pressure in the room was palpable, and I could feel Cassie tensing beside me.
Taking a deep breath, we turned to face each other, the awkward tension thick between us. At that moment, as Cassie leaned in and our lips met in a tentative kiss, the world around us seemed to fade away. I could almost hear the collective gasp from our friends, but all I could focus on was the warmth of her lips against mine.
When we finally pulled away, Sam was wearing an expression of mild disbelief, while Carly simply observed with a knowing look in her eyes. "You grew like 2 feet overnight," Carly remarked, breaking the stunned silence that had settled over the room. "Really? I didn't notice," I replied sarcastically.
"And you're dressed like a biker dude," Carly added, pointing out the obvious. I couldn't help but chuckle at her observation, the absurdity of the situation finally hitting me. "Mhm," I agreed, a grin tugging at the corner of my lips as I realized just how far we had gone to keep up the charade.

"What's with the gloves?" asked Sam, a puzzled expression on her face. I could tell she was trying to make sense of the bizarre changes happening to me.
I crossed my arms, feeling a surge of panic rising within me. "What is this? 20 questions?" The frustration in my voice was palpable as I shot a glare at Sam, hoping to divert her attention away from the unusual transformation unfolding before us.
Cassie suddenly nudged me, a look of concern in her eyes as she discreetly signaled for me to go change my contacts. Sensing the urgency in her gesture, I excused myself to the bathroom, hoping to gather my thoughts in private.
As the chaotic whirlwind of events continued around me, I found temporary refuge in the bathroom, the cold tiles beneath my feet grounding me in reality. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, the unnatural blueness of my eyes sending a shiver down my spine.
With trembling hands, I reached into my pocket to retrieve the contacts, but in my haste, I clumsily dropped them all on the floor. "Aughhhh!" I let out a frustrated yell, the tension building within me like a storm on the horizon.
Bending down to pick up the fallen contacts, a sudden sharp pain shot up my back, causing me to freeze in place. A strange ripping sound echoed through the small confines of the bathroom, sending a chill down my spine.
As I slowly stood up and met my terrified gaze in the mirror, I gasped in horror at the sight before me. Sprouting from my back were two enormous wings, their pitch-black leather glistening under the harsh fluorescent lights.
Turning to the side, I beheld the monstrous silhouette that now loomed behind me, a giant black lizard-like tail swishing menacingly. The tingling sensation that had gripped me earlier intensified, spreading through every fiber of my being.
I watched in sheer disbelief as my body underwent a drastic metamorphosis, my teeth elongating, my horns growing in size, and my stature increasing significantly. The once-familiar fabric of my jacket tore apart, unable to contain the newfound power pulsating through my veins. I shot up another half foot. My muscles grew larger and more profound than they already were.
The tingling sensation reached its crescendo as shiny black scales emerged, covering my skin in a protective sheen. With a sense of surreal dread, I watched in awe as my claws effortlessly tore through the gloves, a silent testament to the untamed force now coursing through me. A spark fell out of my mouth bouncing along the sink before going out. I can breathe fire????? I thought.
With each passing moment, I felt the last remnants of my humanity slipping away, replaced by an ancient power surging from within. As I gazed at my transformed reflection in the mirror, a new reality dawned upon me—my destiny was no longer tethered to the confines of the mundane world, but to a realm where magic and mystery intertwined, waiting to be explored. "Cassie?" I whispered knowing she could hear me. "Help."

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