Likely Spam Call

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As the vehicle sped down the track to the hub, Vanellope had fallen asleep in her friend's lap as things seemed to slow down at a certain point. Ralph took this as an opportunity to pull out his phone and look over the texts that he has not been keeping up with. But, much to his shock, nothing had been added in the past day. It was dead silent.

And it only became more unnerving when he saw no one was online even now, which... Made a slight pit form in his stomach. So, with worry gripping his heart, he opened his personal texts with the only other person of their little group that knew of the unplugging.


Opening the messages, what he found was... Nothing. No messages at all. Well, all except a simple text of "I hope you're both doing okay". But something wasn't right with it, because it was sent three hours ago. But the reginastion in the message's tone made Ralph... worry greatly about the eventual confrontation with the others.

They had to know at this point, Caleb must've cracked and told everyone, and they were simply waiting to confront them about this awful lack of communication.

Ralph was not looking forward to that.

He shook his head to keep himself from getting cold feet about that. Because if he got too nervous, he knew he'd just never go back to the Capital, which would only make things worse. So he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and relaxed his tense shoulders. That would be something he'd deal with tomorrow. Right now, he wanted to go home and relax till work on Monday morning.

Which did remind him of something. Glancing at his phone, Ralph saw the time was 4 am on Sunday, which gave him a whole day to sleep and relax after they went home.

The wrecker sighed and leaned back, stuffing his phone back into his pocket as their vehicle drove down the track towards their destination. The sound was slowly becoming more muffled as he felt more tired, and before he knew it he was out like a light.

At the same time Ralph fell asleep, Vanellope woke up, groggily blinking her eyes and rubbing them, looking around a bit like she was suddenly lost. Looking up, she smiled at her sleeping friend and then faced forward with a thoughtful look. The sun hadn't set at all, which was throwing off her internal clock so badly.

She knew making it back home would mean a bit of adjustment. Or not, she didn't fully know honestly.

This one day had moved by so slowly it felt like a whole week had passed, and Vanellope felt 10 years older. She rubbed her face roughly with both hands, groaning quietly as her mind started to fill with TV static as exhaustion started setting in again. Sighing, she looked out the left side of the vehicle and watched as the buildings passed in blurs, their speed picking up gradually after the long slow slump.

The racer closed her eyes and slumped forward, resting her chin in the palms of her hands as her elbows dug into her lap. She was bored out of her mind, and was hopeful the two of them would reach Knowsmore soon, which meant they'd be back with the others.

Vanellope shook her head and wiped her nose with her sweater sleeve, feeling a bit stuffy. She sighed, wanting this whole ride to be over.

And, luckily, her prayers were answered when the vehicle pulled into a port and dissipated. Blinking, the racer jumped onto the ground as the wrecker snorted and woke up, blinking owlishly as he came to.

"We're here?" He mumbled as he stood up.

"Yeah, we are", the racer said, shooting a light smirk over her shoulder. "So c'mon, Sleeping Beauty. Let's get going."

The wrecker grumbled at the light jab and stood up, adjusting his single shoulder strap and following after the candy president. As they walked, they caught sight of their other friends and Spamley heading into what looked to be a cafe, so they took this as an opportunity to head the opposite way towards Knowsmore, who was not working at the moment.

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