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Upon stepping back out of the portal and onto the grassy turf, Ralph let out a heavy and tension releasing sigh that was so intense he almost stumbled over. Vanellope was silent, simply jumping down to the ground and walking back towards the wrecker's house. Ralph watched her go with a frown, but didn't say anything as she disappeared into the undergrowth. He simply just let her go, planning on getting her when the arcade opened.

If the other racers didn't rush her and drag her along first.

So the wrecker decided to go for a walk, taking in the chilled air of his long standing home. His mind was at peace now, especially after talking with everyone...

But a sequel.

He and Vanellope were doing the sequel of their movie, although how much was intended and that they broke through was what slowed his movements as those ideas gently swayed in his head. It wasn't as mind destroying as he thought, but it still made him a bit worried about what the sequel's intention was. It was clear from the trailer it was just Ralph and Vanellope going to the internet together...

When it was released, he was going to watch it on his own. Vanellope didn't need to deal with it.

Ralph let out a sigh and shook his head, walking subconsciously back to the duck pond's bridge. The sky twinkled down at him, almost like it was happy he was back after his much smaller visit. The mountain man looked up and smiled at the sky above, happy for its limit yet still noticeable company. But even that did little to fully lift his spirits.

So when the wrecker found himself back on the bridge, staring down at the pond below, he was once enamoured with his reflection. Only, rather than seeing a tired old man, the still water showed him a hopeful person who had finally weathered the storm and stood tall.

As he remained there, leaning against the railing, he heard footsteps approaching him. Glancing over, he watched as Felix and Calhoun, in much more leisure focused clothing, walked over with smiles.

"Hey there, Ralph", the handyman said as he stopped next to his brother and mirrored his position. "What's got you coming out here so early in the morning?"

Ralph shrugged. "Just thinking, can't sleep because of relief, all that..."

The sergeant nodded slowly as she moved beside her husband, mirroring the position as well. "I feel ya', Ralph. After everything, it feels a bit surreal to have all of that finally be over."

Ralph noticed she looked a bit... Off, and raised an eyebrow. "You okay, Calhoun? You look a bit distracted. That's not something I expected from you."

She blinked in surprise and shook her head, letting out an airy laugh. "You've gotten a lot better at reading people, Wreck-It. I hate that, but I admire it too."

Felix gave his wife a loving smile, then looked back at the wrecker. "Me and Tammy were just talking earlier, and being with the racers, it made us realise... We want to start a family."

Ralph looked at them with curiosity. "So you two want to have a kid?"

Calhoun nodded, smiling a bit and looking skyward at the thought. "I always wanted a little soldier to call my own. But with everything about my history and stuff, I never felt like it was in the books. But, after I met this little bottle rocket", she playfully ruffled her husband's hair, "I realised there was a chance."

"And I love the idea of being a dad!" Felix said happily. "You both know I already love kids, especially those little ragamuffins that you're usually with, Ralph. So... Why not give them a little sister or little brother. It'd make things around here really show how things have changed."

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