1 - Never buy a coffee in Alam City CA, but don't ask why I'm sipping on one

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A crusty-looking coffee slides towards me, Athena Fabel, as I stare at my computer screen. My head is resting on my palms.

"It's from Alice's Cafe," Nevian, my roommate says to me. "Thank you," As I type some more of my almost-finished essay.

"I am way too addicted to caffeine," I think as I sip some of my coffee.

Alice's Cafe was the best coffee place in town, not to mention the only one. With a vintage-looking building, they managed to become successful even with their disgustingly bland coffee. Nothing in Alam City was ever good.

Nevian is one of the coolest roommates you could ask for. Well, technically she had requested to room with me due to "family business" which she told me was an excuse not to room with an old nemesis. It seems like everyone at Miller College had known each other since elementary school.

Nevian is amazing, a great cooker, an upcycler, and good at martial arts. Not to mention she is so beautiful. Her blue-gray eyes contrast with her freckled tan skin. But no matter how hard she tries, her brown hair is always pin-straight, that's why she keeps it in a side braid most of the time.

On the other hand, I look messy. I have long and wavy black hair that does not match my petite pale face. My eyes are dark brown but people are always telling me they look black. Somehow though, people mistake me and Nevian to be related at times.

A message pops up on my computer screen reminding me again about my financial issues. I sigh and continue working on my essay.

Alam City is known and only known for its college that featured a philosophy course. Currently, I am writing a practice essay for Nevian on ontology.

Thinking about ontology made me feel light, like I had released a weight on my shoulders and given it to the computer that held my essay.

Adding the finishing touch to my work, I chug down the rest of the coffee, almost choking in the process.

Nevian is lying on her bed sleeping peacefully, her face glowing with a feeling of sunshine and I can't help but smile secretly.

Why did I feel like I was developing feelings for her? According to my crush 11 years ago on that one dude from 3rd grade, I was pretty sure I was straight.

I open the door and step outside to be hit with hot air. After putting my sneakers on I mount my bike and say a silent goodbye to Nevian.

Looking at Alam City from above you would see trees creating a funny-looking shape. If you look hard enough you can see a faint outline of the word "smith" in the font Georgia. Alam City is a small "city", about 10 miles around.

Planning on getting a little frozen yogurt as a treat for finishing the essay I start riding to the shop.

After the treat, I feel refreshed and start biking back. For some reason, I feel the same way I felt when I woke up from my dream.

It felt like something was watching me, correction: Someone was watching me.

As I bike past Hawk Street a middle-aged woman taking a stroll looks at me sideways. Her hawk-like eyes discretely watching me. Something about her put me on edge, she looked sharp... like she wanted something from me.

I bike past her, careful not to make eye contact. The rest of the ride home is quick, that lady gave me the creeps.

On the way home, I think of how I will tell Nevian about the woman.

Once I arrive back at our small flat, I lock my bike to a rusty bike rack in the back of the building.

The door closes behind me as I enter my so-called home.

"Athena, is that you?" I hear Nevian say. "Nah, it's Fred." I joke in a low voice. I hear a lot of shuffling and then, silence.

Next thing I know, Nevian pops up out of nowhere, swinging a baseball bat towards my face!

"What the hell is going on?!?" I say before I get hit to the ground. 

I hear a gasp and feel numb pain on my side. Most of all, anger and betrayal bubble inside me. Struggling to remain conscious, I squirm as I feel gentle hands touch my head. 

Then, I blackout. 


653 words...

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- b00ks0verb0ys

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