6 - The Fallout - Starring: A Dead Boy

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August 25th - Movie Night

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August 25th - Movie Night


Procrastination is one word for what I'm doing right now.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, staring into my closet thinking of what to wear. Most of the time I'm zoning out, or yawning.

My eyes unhurriedly drift to the clock sitting on my bedside table. Oh shit! Nevian and I are driving to the cinema at 4:30 and it's already 4:20!

I fidget nervously as I try to think faster, but really, only anxious thoughts circle my head. Nevian has a knack for being early and she is probably sitting in the living room waiting! I think of how rushed I will be doing makeup, and my hair, and my accessories...

Okay, Athena! Get to work... now!

I wear a jade-colored tube-top dress that looks perfect with my broken-in leather jacket. I touch it up with my Doc Martens and some dark red lipstick. The lipstick is new but looks great... I'm surprised I could pull it off!

I examine myself one more time in the mirror and wonder what Nevian is wearing. Hiding my phone in my purse, I head to the living room.

She's captivating. Elegant, hot, straight out of a magazine gorgeous.

The simple dress hugs Nevian's body perfectly, an emerald green fabric wrapping around her frame. It's a simple spaghetti-strap dress that accentuates her curves. My face holds an expression of pure awe.

She sits on the living room couch, legs crossed, texting someone on her phone. For no reason, I think of Sawyer. How would he think of Nevian's dress? Jealousy bubbles inside me catching me by surprise.

Nevian looks up and then stands up gesturing at her dress. She gives me a small twirl and then speaks out. "Are the sparkles too much?"

I hadn't even noticed the sparkles glimmering in the light. They make her look even more gorgeous if you could be.

"You know what, I will go change into something else. I have another green dress that looks great," she says already heading off.

"No, no," I reassure her. "You look stunning," I say, and then catch myself. "I mean, the dress looks lovely with the gems."

Oh my god, Athena. Next time, think before you talk. Let's try not to mess up this relationship.

A stupid smug smile sticks on Nevian's face and I know that we both know. I was referring to her, not the dress.

I decide to break her silent glory though. "C'mon, we gotta go, Sawyer said we should meet him there at five."

"Actually, Sawyer just texted me. He said to meet him there around five-twenty."

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