5 - Sawyer's pants are about to light on fire.

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Bake sale in hopes of funding the D&D Club - held at Paris Park

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Bake sale in hopes of funding the D&D Club - held at Paris Park


"Thank you!" 

The last pastry has been sold! Well, not the last... I sneak a cookie in my mouth as I clean up the pastry booth with Sawyer and this other guy from the D&D club.

A man and a woman dressed in French-looking outfits sit on a bench opposite from our bake sale stand. They both hold some delicate-looking tea cups and sip at the substance inside. They are an odd-looking couple, but you can tell they are together, just how they sit close together. 

They watch us clean up the booth while conversing. They are talking about some sort of mystery, and I can't help but hear a glimpse of their conversation.

"Have you heard of the weird mystery about a girl who was found dead in the bay?" the man asks.

"No Tobias, what about it is so important that you must interrupt my D&D rant?" the woman questions back, a British accent creeping into her voice. 

Tobias scratches his non-existent mustaches and looks back at the woman, "Well Marianna-" he whispers in a cheesy spooky voice. Marianna's eyebrows are furrowed, furrowed to the point she gives herself a unibrow. She must be pretty concerned. 

"Tobias, just get to the point. And please, speak in a normal voice." she guides him, taking a gigantic gulp from her tea cup.

"Well, turns out she might not be dead at all. I heard someone saw an almost identical face with the angel necklace in Oregon." Tobias says, "Might just be the perfect opportunity for us."

Marianna cocks a brow, "And who might this girl be?"

"Wait, I'm not done." Tobias intrudes. "Last night, someone stole the angel necklace on the dead body's corpse. And guess where that corpse was? Oregon."

Marianna looks confused now, and looks around making eye contact with me. I quickly look down and clean up the rest of the Tupperware from the stand.

"Well answer my question, who is this girl?" she asks Tobias.

"They say her name was Lana Abel..." he replies.

Marianna tells Tobias something with a smug grin. I don't hear it though, because Sawyer suddenly speaks in my ear making me jump. 

"Hey Athena, are you done yet?" He asks. 

"Oh, yeah." I say, quickly finishing up the rest of my job.

"By the way..." Sawyer says scratching the back of his neck, "Can I have your number?" 

"Woah, woah, woah, buddy!" I exclaim, "I like you, but not the way you think!" I swear I didn't drop any hints, did I?

"Oh, no! I still like my ex, I just need to send you something!" He says blushing a fever.

Oh wow, that dropped a bomb. Who likes their ex?

"If you wouldn't mind, who's your ex?"

"Nothing special, you probably don't know her." He replies nervously.

Nothing special? And you still like them...

"So, who is it?" I say, giving him a look.



"Yeah, sure. I don't know my roommate," I say, raising my eyebrows. What was this dude trying to hide? It sure as hell seemed like he was lying now.

Still, I give Sawyer my number making sure to make his contact photo a picture of Ken from Barbie. He did resemble Ryan Gosling... even slightly more attractive.

Time Skip (cause I was lazy) >>>>>>>>>>>>

I walk out of Alice's Cafe and sip my coffee. The leaves are falling from the trees and the ground is littered with a few red leaves. I decide to take a stroll in the park on Bay Street.

The trees are all ruby red with a few specks of orange leaves. I get hit with a wave of deja vu and it almost feels too familiar. Then I see it, where the scarlet trees end and form almost a circular form of light to let in. I have the urge to run, and I do just that.

With a boost of adrenaline, I start sprinting to the end of the trees. The distance feels longer than it looks. Ignoring the looks of strollers on the path, my breathing is fast as I zoom past them.

Then I feel a vibration in my right pocket. Slowing down, exhaustion settles on me and I become aware of my sharp breaths.  The bench nearby looks refreshing and I plop down on it.

I take my phone out and see Sawyer has texted me a link.

A big "Movie Night! August 25th!" pops up on the screen. I scroll down and skim the information. "Don't forget to bring a date!" It reads.

Sure... you totally don't like me, I think as I roll my eyes and smile down at my phone.

Then I remember what I was here for. Once I look up, the opening I was running to is gone. It's just some trees in their fall era now.

Another 800 words

I had some free time so I decided to add a short chapter ^^

Also the chap title is supposed to signify the mc thought he was lying. I's based off of the song "liar, liar, pants on fire."

I hope everyone has a good night and keep on slaying💅

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