Prologue - unnecessary but necessary at the same time

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Two years ago Lana Abel went missing. Or died... don't know, don't care. Until maybe now.

This year I decided to move to Alam City and start college there.

Yesterday, the New York Times re-told the story of Lana Abel.

August 13th


College starts in 3 days. Yes, you heard me. Three fucking days.

I scroll on my phone lazily, hands held in an awkward position in my comfy coffee-stained couch. All I want to do is get my mind off college, stresses me out just thinking about it.

I glance at my roommate Nevian, across our dorm room. She lies on her hello kitty themed bed in a starfish position. Her hands hold her phone high above her head as she scrolls continuously. 

I browse through my Instagram, Facebook, and the New York Times looking for fun content. That's when I see it, and it's not as fun as I want it to be:

A news report with the headline "Lana Abel confirmed dead!" catches my eye. The audacity, I think, to write an exclamation mark at the end of it like your excited someone died. I blink a few times and stare at my phone screen. Against my will, my fingers click on the article link.

Immediately, My eyes fly to an old picture of Lana standing in front of the house I once knew like my own. In the picture, it feels like she's still alive. I mean it feels so... complete. Lana with her signature double braids smiling gap toothed on her front porch, even the tulip plant that we nursed together is there, it was her favorite plant. Just the sight of her gives me a choked feeling in the back of my throat that burns my eyes.

Feeling tears find their way to my eyes, I glance at Nevian, but she doesn't notice.

Even though I don't want to, curiosity gets the better of me and I scroll. I read the article carefully, it restates the events that happened the day she went missing.

She was my best friend, we were close enough to be family. My single mother was always busy, and Lana's family often took me under their wing. 

It was Wednesday, a short school day when Lana and I had gone shopping with our friends. No adults.

Even though I was fairly popular back then, Lana and I were still the closest. We had a big group of ten or so friends.

I remember walking into the mall feeling extra confident because my mom had given me and Lana matching bubble braids and some sparkly lip gloss to wear. 

About an hour into our fun, our party divided into groups of who wanted to shop and who wanted to eat.

Like always, Lana and I stuck together. After stopping at a surprisingly deserted H&M, we spotted the perfect outfit. 

I remember being giddy and excited, after picking Spongebob-themed matching outfits. Long shorts with Spongebob flowers, and an oversized pink shirt that screamed "SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS".

In the middle of the article, it says that they had found Lana Abel's body in the bay. The evidence was a family heirloom that she wore on her neck.

The article was actually inaccurate though. While shopping, we had bought magnetically connecting necklaces that looked like the two wings of an angel. It wasn't a family heirloom.

I press my hand to my forehead, a worried expression crossing my face. If this article was telling the truth, it could be Lana. But I would refuse to admit it.

Like a scroll, the rest of the memory unfolds in my head. 

After purchasing everything, we were so excited and impatient that we decided to wear everything immediately.

I remember going into the dressing room right next to hers and changing. I had told her to wait for me, but she wanted to show off the outfit to our friends. I recall hearing exclaiming outside the dressing room and rushing to put on the rest of the clothes.

I had been so innocent back then, not thinking anything could be wrong. I remember hearing a muffled scream of my name thinking it was one of my friends telling me to hurry up. 

Planning on surprising my friends, I stepped outside, closed my eyes, and did a fancy twirl. But I didn't hear the "oohs" and "awws" that I expected. Instead, silence.

Once I opened my eyes I felt a sheet of embarrassment settle on top of me. No one was outside of the dressing room. No Lana. No other friends. No one.

I had bustled around, peeking in every store looking for them, with no luck.

I ended up wandering home by myself. It must have been a funny sight, a 12-year-old girl walking by herself with a Spongebob outfit on. the price tags still hanging on everything.

Later, I found out everyone had gone home earlier, and had forgotten to text me.

Lana didn't go to school on Thursday, or the day after. I texted, called, and knocked on her house but no one answered, not even her parents.

I found out why, a week later, when the police came to my house asking me questions.


I peek at Nevian again after finishing the article. Suppressing the small tears that betray my eyes. My body trembles, and for some reason, anger and helplessness bubble in my chest. No matter what though, I don't believe this news report is true. I can't believe it. I just won't. 

But then reality hits me, and I curl into a tight ball embracing my feelings. Still, I think of all the possibilities that Lana is still alive. I mean, she should be, right? She was right there, in that memory. So why isn't she here now? 

Why isn't she here now...?


Almost 1,000 words!

This is my first story and I hope it is enjoyable, sorry this chapter was a bit boring... guys i was half asleep- don't judge 🤪

Please vote, comment, and most importantly enjoy and read on... have a great day my dudes! <3

All Rights Reserved to me, @b00ks0verboys


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