2 - FRED, is that you, who?

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The world is covered in red. Maroon-colored shapes dance around me and I look down to find myself sitting on a crimson dragon. We are flying fast, towards something blinding white... and in my mind, I know it holds the answers.

Just as I am about to reach it, I find myself toppling over and sinking, sinking in a bloodred sea. I know this cursed dream won't take my life yet I struggle to find my way up gasping and gasping for air as gravity drags me down.

I wake up sweating with a feeling like I am being watched. Like I am being cornered like a helpless mouse.

I sit up causing the bed to shift, I'm surprised to find Nevian sleeping next to me. My head throbs and I lift my hand to my forehead. Bitter pain hits me even as I press down softly. 

I get out of bed careful not to wake Nevian. I can't remember what happened before and why my body feels sore. 

I look in the mirror of the bathroom and see a pale face with a giant bruise looking back at me. 

I swear I couldn't have fallen out of the bed that bad. I pressed again on the bruise and watched as the skin around my hand turned yellow. 

Nevian walks in and then realizes I am inside, she backs out of the doorway wide-eyed. Now I remember, she had something to do with this ugly bruise. 

"Nev, you are not getting out of this that easily." I sigh with a smirk. 

"I'm sorry, I genuinely thought you were someone else." she apologizes.

Who would she be knocking out with a baseball bat, and why?

"What? Did Fred do something to you?" I joke.

I watch her from the mirror as she leans her body on the bathroom's doorframe.

"No... It's hard to explain..." She says, her words trailing off at the end.

"I deserved the right to know why I have a hella ugly bruise on my head Nevian." I say, grimacing at how forceful I said her name.

I watch as she thinks, her face still looks good when she's worried. Eyebrows pinched together, she purses her lips which make the color in her lips a grapefruit pink.

At last, she decides to ignore my question and instead says, "Here, you can borrow my concealer to cover it up. I'll help, if you want." She leaves a nervous chuckle at the end.

"Sure." I sigh, and throw her a weary smile. She gives me one of her bright, all teeth smiles in return.

Obviously, she is hiding something... and whatever it is she doesn't want to tell me. But I will find out, one way or another.


447 words

To everyone that have voted or commented on my story, I give you a personal thank you, it means a lot to me!

Btw, the chapter title was based off of Cindy Loo Hoo, Where are you, who

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