| Part 8; Weakened |

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Sonic's POV:

I woke up in a haze. I blinked a few times before I opened my eyes completely, putting a hand up to my head. Jeez, what gave me such a major headache? I sat up, looking around. Huh, I don't recognize this place. Where am I?

I was in the living room of someone's house. It was nice here. I was on the couch, which was in a living room that opened up into a very nice, modern looking kitchen. Another space connected to the living room had a door, some shoes, jackets and yada-yada. I spotted a hallway that led to what I assumed were bedrooms and bathroom(s). I was about to get up to explore, but then I heard the doorknob jiggle. In a panic, I quickly laid back down, pretending to be asleep. I closed my eyes in my previous position.

Someone was walking over to me, and they had set what sounded like a paper bag on the coffee table across from the couch. They seemed to stay like that for a moment, and eventually I could here them walking away. I peeked my eyes open just enough to see...


I closed my eyes shut again. What was Shadow doing here? Does he live here? Why'd he take me here? Did we fight? Is that why my head hurts? What was in the bag? I feel so confused right now...guess I should get some answers. I peeked open, not seeing Shadow in sight. I sat up slowly, and looked around, properly sitting on the couch. Huh, where'd he go? 

I wanted to take a look at the plastic bag, I wondered what was in there. But...it's probably not mine. I shouldn't be nosy, that'll just tick off Shads. I rolled my eyes, seeing him get mad was always such a funny thing to me. Not that I enjoyed making him miserable. I mean, I tried not to. But sometimes, it was just funny. I chuckled to myself, not noticing the thought of him kinda made me blush. I brought both hands up to my face. I kept thinking about Shadow more recently. Ever since he helped me out, I mean I owed the guy bigtime. But it wasn't just that. I got more comfortable with him if I was being honest with myself.

I guess I just like being around him. I un-cupped my face when my thoughts were interrupted. 

3rd POV: 

"Oh. You're awake." Sonic heard a deep, calming voice speak out. He turned around to see Shadow, drying his black and red wet quills with a towel. He blushed a little, his but quickly turned around so he wouldn't see. "Y-yeah. Do you live here?" Sonic asked, distracting himself.

"I do. With Rouge. She claims I'd have difficulty living on my own for whatever reason. I think she just wants the company." Shadow shrugged, and completed drying off his quills, throwing the wet towel into a nearby laundry basket. He poured Sonic a glass of water and placed it next to the paper bag. Sonic looked up at the hedgehog. 

"There's painkillers in the bag. Take them." Shadow pointed at the bag. Sonic huffed. "Uh, no, I'm fine. Not a big fan of anything pill related. There was thing one time I choked on a--" Shadow cut Sonic off by shoving the bag in his chest. "Take the damn pill, and I'll buy you food."

Sonic's eyes immediately lit up. "Food? Like chilidogs?" Sonic's eyes brightened and he smiled. Shadow sighed and dropped the bag in Sonic's lap. "Fine by me. But take. the. pill." Shadow walked away and Sonic took the bottle of painkillers from the bag and opened it, dropping a single pill in the palm of his hand.

The blue hedgehog attempted to hide the pill in his quills, but Shadow quickly appeared and snatched the pill from his hand. "You're aren't sneaky." Shadow shoved the pill into Sonic's mouth, catching the blue hedgehog by surprise, shown by a yelp. Before Sonic could spit it out, Shadow grabbed the glass of water and handed it to Sonic. 

"I'll stand here until I see you take it. You aren't getting anything until then." Shadow removed his hand from the hedgehog's mouth, keeping his word. He stood there, arms crossed, glaring at Sonic. "Whatever!!.." Sonic huffed, gulping the entire glass of water, swallowing the pill.

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