| Part 13; Captured |

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Sonic's POV:


Everything was a blur. I woke up in what seemed to be a holding cell, the walls painted a bare white, grey lines running along the bottom, top and middle of the walls. I blinked a bit, my eyes feeling sensitive to the florescent lights that hung above, illuminating the small room. 

I pushed myself up on my feet, despite the drowsiness that overcame my body. I felt weakened, drained. A feeling I was well too familiar with. 

'I should get my blood pumping. Where am I anyways?' I thought, wondering where this eerily basic room was located. My memory seems fuzzy, weird. I remember hangin' out with Shads and the squad, how'd I end up here?

In front of me were the basic prison style bars. I walked up to them, and tried to get as much in my sight as I could. Unlike the room I was currently trapped in, the ceilings on the other side seemed to be much higher, different kinds of lights installed in the top, although they weren't on. It was pretty dark, hard to see anything. It's not like these lights offer enough for me to properly see.

It seemed to be a hallway, nothing out of the ordinary in sight. Just, well, a hallway. I turned back to survey the room. Just a mattress on the floor? No window, not even a toilet? 'Jeez, a villian can't show even the hero of mobius a little decency?'

'Well, I might as well look for a way out---' My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps making their way down the hallway. My ears twitched. The obnoxious sounds of the steps clinking against the hard floors, sending an echo down the hallway. The quiet snickering that got louder as the perpetrator got closer to the cell.


I turned around, ensuring that I was on high alert.

"Well well well! Look who's finally awake." Eggman spoke. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot.

 "What do you want Egghead?"

"You know exactly what I want you blue vermin." He spat the last word.

"Uh, no. I don't."

"Ug-- The Paradox Prism you DUMBO!"Eggman crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"Oh! Yeah-- no. What makes you think I can help you with that?" 'What is he getting at..?'

"Hmph, well you see Sonic, I heard the story about your adventures in the other dimensions you told your little friends about." He began to pace back and forth, his hands behind his back. His dry mustache lifted as he gave an uneasy smirk.

"How? You weren't even---"

"I had a small little drone survey you all for awhile afterwards our encounter in that cave. You didn't think I'd give up such an opportunity to gain such valuable information did you? The Paradox Prism is pure energy. The things I could craft from such raw power...you and your little friends would never even stand a chance! Ohohoho!!" He spoke with a cackle to his voice.

'Man, I do not like where he's going with this...'

"Knowing your friends, they're probably on their way to save you right now!" Eggman said this with not even a hint of panic. 'What is he hiding? What's different about this?'

"Exactly. They're gonna defeat you, they always have, whether or not they have me! They have Shadow too. He'll--"

"That's no matter." He stopped pacing and approached the cell. My fangs bore and my hands balled up into fists, warning him not to step further. He twisted his moustache.

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