| Part 9; Sleepover |

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3rd POV: 

It was late. The moon was a crescent shape, and it glowed, lighting up the dark night. The faint sounds of crickets resided, not another sound to be heard, besides the sound of shoes walking along the concrete.

A cobalt hedgehog and ebony hedgehog walked along the sidewalk, exiting the empty city, a car whooshing by every now and then. It was silent, not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence.

"Today was fun. Thanks for gettin' me out of the house, I don't know if I'd be able to sit still all day." Sonic spoke up. 

Shadow nodded at him in response. "I can see. You really can't sit still for a mere 5 minutes, can you?" Sonic shook his head. "Nope. It's boring sitting around all day doing nothing. Besides, I'm the fastest guy out there! What would I be doing besides running around?" Sonic flashed a cocky smile and put his hands behind his head, looking at Shadow. 

"Hmph, fastest out there? We'll see about that." Shadow scoffed, smirking. Sonic rolled his eyes, chucking. He has such a pretty smile. Sonic thought. "Uh huh. What's that supposed to mean?" Sonic teased; "Edgelorddd~" Shadow kicked the back of the snarky hedgehog's leg who almost tripped over. "That's annoying. Don't call me that."

Sonic smiled rolled his eyes and regained his balance. "I heard one of the guys from the chaos council call you that. Expect to hear it more often, it's funny!" The blue one chuckled.

"Uh-huh. Call me that dumb name again and we'll see if you're laughing then." Shadow said, looking ahead. 

"Y'know Shadow, you should smile more often! You look nice when you smile." Sonic spoke up and Shadow looked at the blue hedgehog, confused. "Why?"

Sonic realized what he said and blushed, and began to stutter. "O-oh, WELL. Uhh, everyone should smile more ya know? E-everyone looks very nice when they smile!! Yeah!" Sonic scratched the back of his head, nervously smiling.

Shadow nodded, still kind of confused. "Okay..oh. Looks like we're here." Sonic looked at Shadow's house. "Yeah. I guess I'll see you la--" Sonic was cut off as the door swung open. 

"Hey Blue! Feelin' better?" Rouge said. Sonic smiled at the sight at his bat friend.

 "Yes, I'm doing much better." Sonic nodded. "Mhmm, I'm sure Shadow took care of that." Rouge winked at the two hedgehogs. Shadow frowned and crossed his arms, blushing slightly. "shut up.." he mumbled. Sonic chuckled, also a small blush forming on his cheeks. 

"Hey! I have an idea, why don't you sleep over? It's late and you wouldn't wanna get all tired running home would ya?" Rouge smiled clasped her hands together. Shadow was about to speak before Rouge shot him a death glare before quickly putting a smile back on, refocusing herself to Sonic. 

"Uh, sure! I mean-- if Shadow doesn't mind." Sonic smiled and turned to face the dark hedgehog. Shadow sighed and nodded. "Fine.."

"Great! Come in. I'll grab some snacks." Rouge turned around and went to the kitchen, Sonic and Shadow made their way in the house.

Shadow's POV: 

Sonic took a seat on the couch, looking around. "I'll be right back. Don't touch anything." I said before walking into the kitchen. Sonic gave a quick nod and smile before I turned around. I walked into the kitchen and saw Rouge preparing a plate of assorted fruits. I sighed as I rested my elbows on the counter and dropped my head into my hands. "You got anything to say to me?" Rouge spoke, I could hear the smirk she had on in her tone. I groaned in annoyance. 

"You were right..." I said, muffled. "What was that?" I threw my hands up and faced her. "You were right Rouge! There I said it!" I tried not to yell but I made sure she heard me. I peeked out the entrance way and saw Sonic picking at his glove. He looked so cute. 

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